Banks Ranked by Venture capital revenue as of 2021-06-30

Gate City Bank was ranked #20 in terms of "Venture capital revenue" in all banks in U.S. with a value of $0. This comparison is based on data reported on 2021-06-30.

RankVenture capital revenueBank Name
1$81,608,000Zions Bancorporation, N.A.
2$20,000,000Ally Bank
3$11,915,000Fifth Third Bank
4$11,313,000The Huntington National Bank
5$9,448,000TD Bank
6$4,278,000Pinnacle Bank
7$3,000,000Charles Schwab Bank, SSB
8$2,709,000PNC Bank
9$1,244,000Pacific Western Bank
10$1,129,000Rockland Trust Company
11$833,000First Business Bank
12$659,0001st Source Bank
13$546,000Westfield Bank
14$432,000Lake City Bank
16$99,000The First National Bank of Sonora
17$98,000West Texas National Bank
18$39,000Inwood National Bank
19$26,000PlainsCapital Bank
20$0Alliant Bank
20$01st Financial Bank USA
20$0Adirondack Bank
20$0Allegiance Bank
20$0Alerus Financial
20$0Alliance Bank
20$01st National Bank
20$05Star Bank
20$0Access Bank
20$0Alamerica Bank
20$0Alliance Bank
20$01st Summit Bank
20$0Alma Bank
20$0Alpine Bank
20$0Amalgamated Bank
20$0Amarillo National Bank
20$0Amboy Bank
20$0Amerant Bank
20$0American Bank
20$0American Bank & Trust Company, Inc.
20$0American Bank Center
20$0American Bank of Commerce
20$0American Bank of Missouri
20$0American Bank of Oklahoma
20$0American Bank
20$0American Business Bank
20$0American Express National Bank
20$0American Heritage National Bank
20$0American Interstate Bank
20$0American National Bank & Trust
20$0American National Bank and Trust Company
20$0American National Bank of Minnesota
20$0American Savings Bank, FSB
20$0AmeriFirst Bank
20$0Ameris Bank
20$0ANB Bank
20$0Anderson Brothers Bank
20$0Andrew Johnson Bank
20$0Apex Bank
20$0Apple Bank for Savings
20$0Aquesta Bank
20$0Arizona Bank & Trust
20$0Armstrong Bank
20$0Arrowhead Bank
20$0Arthur State Bank
20$0Arvest Bank
20$0Ashton State Bank
20$0Associated Bank
20$0Athol Savings Bank
20$0Atlantic Capital Bank
20$0Atlantic Community Bankers Bank
20$0Atlantic Union Bank
20$0Austin Bank, Texas
20$0Auto Club Trust, FSB
20$0Availa Bank
20$0Axos Bank
20$0Banc of California
20$0Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
20$0BancorpSouth Bank
20$0Banesco USA
20$0Bangor Savings Bank
20$0Bank & Trust Company
20$0Bank 7
20$0Bank First, N.A.
20$0Bank Forward
20$0Bank Independent
20$0Bank Iowa
20$0Bank Leumi USA
20$0Bank Northwest
20$0Bank of America California
20$0Bank of America
20$0Bank of Ann Arbor
20$0Bank of Billings
20$0Bank of Blue Valley
20$0Bank of Bozeman
20$0Bank of Brenham
20$0Bank of Brewton
20$0Bank of Cadiz and Trust Company
20$0Bank of Chestnut
20$0Bank of Clarks
20$0Bank of Clarkson
20$0Bank of Colorado
20$0Bank of Crocker
20$0Bank of England
20$0Bank of Erath
20$0Bank of Estes Park
20$0Bank of Franklin County
20$0Bank of Guam
20$0Bank of Gueydan
20$0Bank of Hawaii
20$0Bank of Holyrood
20$0Bank of Hope
20$0Bank of Labor
20$0Bank of Lake Mills
20$0Bank of Lindsay
20$0Bank of Luxemburg
20$0Bank of Marin
20$0Bank of Monticello
20$0Bank of O'Fallon
20$0Bank of Oak Ridge
20$0Bank of Odessa
20$0Bank of Prairie du Sac
20$0Bank of Richmondville
20$0Bank of Ripley
20$0Bank of Salem
20$0Bank of San Francisco
20$0Bank of Santa Clarita
20$0Bank of Springfield
20$0Bank of Stockton
20$0Bank of Stronghurst
20$0Bank of Tennessee
20$0Bank of the James
20$0Bank of the Orient
20$0Bank of the Pacific
20$0Bank of the Sierra
20$0Bank of the West
20$0Bank of the West
20$0Bank of Western Oklahoma
20$0Bank of Weston
20$0Bank OZK
20$0Bankers Trust Company
20$0BankPacific, Ltd
20$0Bankwell Bank
20$0BankWest, Inc.
20$0Banner Bank
20$0Banner Capital Bank
20$0Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
20$0Barclays Bank Delaware
20$0Barrington Bank & Trust Company
20$0Barwick Banking Company
20$0Bath Savings Institution
20$0Battle Creek State Bank
20$0Bay Bank
20$0BayVanguard Bank
20$0BCB Community Bank
20$0Beal Bank
20$0Beal Bank USA
20$0Bell Bank
20$0Berkshire Bank
20$0Beverly Bank & Trust Company
20$0BLC Community Bank
20$0Blue Foundry Bank
20$0BMO Harris Bank
20$0BMO Harris Central
20$0BMW Bank of North America
20$0BNA Bank
20$0BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware
20$0BNY Mellon
20$0Boelus State Bank
20$0Boone Bank & Trust Co.
20$0Border Bank
20$0Boston Private Bank & Trust Company
20$0Boston Trust Walden Company
20$0Bradesco BAC Florida Bank
20$0Bremer Bank
20$0Bridgewater Bank
20$0Brighton Bank
20$0Bristol County Savings Bank
20$0Brookline Bank
20$0Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Company
20$0Byline Bank
20$0Cache Valley Bank
20$0Cadence Bank, N.A.
20$0California First National Bank
20$0California Pacific Bank
20$0CalPrivate Bank
20$0Cambridge Savings Bank
20$0Cambridge State Bank
20$0Campus State Bank
20$0Cape Ann Savings Bank
20$0Cape Cod Co-operative Bank
20$0Capital Bank
20$0Capital Bank
20$0Capital City Bank
20$0Capital One Bank (USA)
20$0Capital One
20$0Capitol Federal Savings Bank
20$0Capitol National Bank
20$0Carrollton Bank
20$0Carson Bank
20$0Carter Bank & Trust
20$0Carver Federal Savings Bank
20$0Cathay Bank
20$0Cecil Bank
20$0Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust Company
20$0Cenlar FSB
20$0Centennial Bank
20$0Centier Bank
20$0Central Bank
20$0Central Bank & Trust Company
20$0Central Bank of Audrain County
20$0Central Bank of Boone County
20$0Central Bank of Branson
20$0Central Bank of Kansas City
20$0Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks
20$0Central Bank of Moberly
20$0Central Bank of Oklahoma
20$0Central Bank of Sedalia
20$0Central Bank of the Midwest
20$0Central Bank of The Ozarks
20$0Central Bank of Warrensburg
20$0Central National Bank
20$0Central Pacific Bank
20$0Central State Bank
20$0Central Valley Community Bank
20$0Centreville Bank
20$0Centric Bank
20$0Century Bank and Trust Company
20$0Chain Bridge Bank
20$0Champion Bank
20$0Charles Schwab Premier Bank, SSB
20$0Charles Schwab Trust Bank
20$0Charlotte State Bank & Trust
20$0Charter Bank
20$0Chelsea Groton Bank
20$0Chemung Canal Trust Company
20$0Chesapeake Bank
20$0Chickasaw Community Bank
20$0Chisholm Trail State Bank
20$0ChoiceOne Bank
20$0CIBC Bank USA
20$0CIBC National Trust Company
20$0CIBM Bank
20$0Cincinnati Federal
20$0CIT Bank
20$0Citizens Alliance Bank
20$0Citizens Bank
20$0Citizens Bank
20$0Citizens Bank and Trust Company
20$0Citizens Bank and Trust Company
20$0Citizens Bank Minnesota
20$0Citizens Bank of Eldon
20$0Citizens Bank of Lafayette
20$0Citizens Bank
20$0Citizens Business Bank
20$0Citizens Commerce Bank
20$0Citizens Deposit Bank & Trust
20$0Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association
20$0Citizens First Bank
20$0Citizens Independent Bank
20$0Citizens National Bank
20$0Citizens Savings Bank
20$0Citizens Savings Bank
20$0Citizens State Bank
20$0Citizens State Bank
20$0Citizens State Bank
20$0Citizens State Bank and Trust Company
20$0Citizens State Bank of Hayfield
20$0Citizens State Bank of Lankin
20$0Citizens State Bank of New Castle, Indiana
20$0Citizens State Bank of Waverly, Inc.
20$0Citizens Trust Bank
20$0Citizens Union Bank of Shelbyville
20$0Citizens' Bank & Trust Co.
20$0City Bank
20$0City First Bank
20$0City National Bank
20$0City National Bank of Florida
20$0City National Bank of West Virginia
20$0Citywide Banks
20$0Civista Bank
20$0Clackamas County Bank
20$0CLB The Community Bank
20$0Clinton Savings Bank
20$0CNB Bank
20$0Coastal Community Bank
20$0CoastalStates Bank
20$0Colonial Savings, F.A.
20$0Colorado Federal Savings Bank
20$0Columbia Bank
20$0Columbia State Bank
20$0Comenity Bank
20$0Comenity Capital Bank
20$0Comerica Bank
20$0Commerce Bank
20$0Commerce Bank
20$0Commerce Bank Texas
20$0Commerce West Bank
20$0CommerceOne Bank
20$0Commercial Bank and Trust of PA
20$0Commercial National Bank of Texarkana
20$0Commonwealth Bank and Trust Company
20$0Community 1st Bank Las Vegas
20$0Community Bank
20$0Community Bank
20$0Community Bank
20$0Community Bank & Trust, Waco, Texas
20$0Community Bank and Trust - West Georgia
20$0Community Bank of Mississippi
20$0Community Bank of the Chesapeake
20$0Community Bank of Trenton
20$0Community Bank Owatonna
20$0Community Bank
20$0Community Commerce Bank
20$0Community Development Bank, FSB
20$0Community Federal Savings Bank
20$0Community First Bank
20$0Community First Bank
20$0Community National Bank in Monmouth
20$0Community State Bank
20$0Community State Bank
20$0Community Trust Bank, Inc.
20$0CommunityBank of Texas, N.A.
20$0ConnectOne Bank
20$0Cornerstone Bank
20$0Cornerstone Bank
20$0Cornerstone Bank
20$0Cornerstone Bank
20$0Cornerstone Bank
20$0Cornerstone State Bank
20$0Country Bank for Savings
20$0Country Club Bank
20$0County Bank
20$0Covington County Bank
20$0Credit First
20$0Credit One Bank
20$0Crescent Bank & Trust
20$0Crews Bank & Trust
20$0Cross River Bank
20$0CrossFirst Bank
20$0Crown Bank
20$0Crystal Lake Bank and Trust Company
20$0CTBC Bank Corp. (USA)
20$0Cumberland Federal Bank, FSB
20$0CUSB Bank
20$0Custer Federal State Bank
20$0Customers Bank
20$0D. L. Evans Bank
20$0Dacotah Bank
20$0Dean Co-operative Bank
20$0Decorah Bank & Trust Company
20$0Dedham Institution for Savings
20$0Delta National Bank and Trust Company
20$0Denali State Bank
20$0Denmark State Bank
20$0Department Stores National Bank
20$0Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
20$0Deutsche Bank Trust Company Delaware
20$0Dieterich Bank
20$0Dime Community Bank
20$0Discover Bank
20$0Dollar Bank, Federal Savings Bank
20$0Drummond Community Bank
20$0Du Quoin State Bank
20$0Dubuque Bank and Trust Company
20$0Durand State Bank
20$0Durden Banking Company, Incorporated
20$0E*TRADE Bank
20$0E*TRADE Savings Bank
20$0Eagle Bank
20$0Eaglemark Savings Bank
20$0East Boston Savings Bank
20$0East Cambridge Savings Bank
20$0East West Bank
20$0Eastern Bank
20$0Eastern Michigan Bank
20$0Eastern National Bank
20$0Edison National Bank
20$0El Dorado Savings Bank, F.S.B.
20$0Embassy Bank for the Lehigh Valley
20$0Emigrant Bank
20$0Emigrant Mercantile Bank
20$0EnerBank USA
20$0Englewood Bank & Trust
20$0Enterprise Bank & Trust
20$0Enterprise Bank and Trust Company
20$0Equity Bank
20$0Essex Bank
20$0Evans Bank
20$0Everett Co-operative Bank
20$0Evergreen Bank Group
20$0Evolve Bank & Trust
20$0Exchange Bank
20$0Exchange Bank
20$0Exchange Bank and Trust Company
20$0Exchange Bank and Trust Company, Natchitoches, Louisiana
20$0Exchange Bank of Missouri
20$0Extraco Banks
20$0F&M Bank
20$0Fairview State Banking Company
20$0Falcon International Bank
20$0Fall River Five Cents Savings Bank
20$0Family Bank
20$0Fannin Bank
20$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
20$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
20$0Farmers & Merchants Bank of Central California
20$0Farmers & Traders Bank of Campton
20$0Farmers and Merchants Bank
20$0Farmers and Merchants Bank
20$0Farmers and Merchants Bank of Ashland
20$0Farmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach
20$0Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Blooming Prairie
20$0Farmers and Merchants Union Bank
20$0Farmers Bank
20$0Farmers National Bank
20$0Farmers Savings Bank & Trust
20$0Farmers State Bank
20$0Farmers State Bank
20$0Farmers State Bank
20$0Farmers State Bank of Alto Pass, Ill.
20$0Farmers State Bank, Allen, Oklahoma
20$0Farmers-Merchants Bank of Illinois
20$0Fayette Savings Bank, SSB
20$0Fayetteville Bank
20$0FCB Banks
20$0FCN Bank
20$0Fidelity Bank & Trust
20$0Fidelity Co-operative Bank
20$0Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan Association of Delaware
20$0Fieldpoint Private Bank & Trust
20$0Fifth District Savings Bank
20$0Finance Factors, Ltd.
20$0FineMark National Bank & Trust
20$0First American Bank
20$0First American Bank
20$0First American Bank and Trust Company
20$0First American Trust, FSB
20$0First Bank
20$0First Bank
20$0First Bank
20$0First Bank
20$0First Bank
20$0First Bank & Trust
20$0First Bank & Trust
20$0First Bank Blue Earth
20$0First Bank Kansas
20$0First Bank of Boaz
20$0First Bank of Owasso
20$0First Bank of Thomas
20$0First Bank of Utica
20$0First Bankers Trust Company
20$0First Carolina Bank
20$0First Century Bank
20$0First Citizens Bank
20$0First Citizens Community Bank
20$0First Command Bank
20$0First Commonwealth Bank
20$0First Community Bank
20$0First Community Bank
20$0First Community Bank of Central Alabama
20$0First Community Bank of Cullman
20$0First Community Bank of Tennessee
20$0First County Bank
20$0First Dakota National Bank
20$0First Exchange Bank
20$0First Farmers & Merchants Bank
20$0First Farmers & Merchants National Bank
20$0First Farmers & Merchants National Bank
20$0First Farmers & Merchants State Bank
20$0First Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Grand Meadow
20$0First Farmers and Merchants Bank
20$0First Farmers Bank & Trust Co.
20$0First Federal Bank
20$0First Federal Bank Littlefield, Texas
20$0First Federal Community Bank
20$0First Federal Savings Bank
20$0First Fidelity Bank
20$0First Financial Bank
20$0First Financial Bank
20$0First Florida Integrity Bank
20$0First Foundation Bank
20$0First Guaranty Bank
20$0First Hawaiian Bank
20$0First Hope Bank, A National Banking Association
20$0First Horizon Bank
20$0First International Bank & Trust
20$0First Interstate Bank
20$0First Kansas Bank
20$0First Kentucky Bank, Inc.
20$0First Merchants Bank
20$0First Mid Bank & Trust
20$0First Midwest Bank
20$0First Missouri Bank of SEMO
20$0First Missouri State Bank
20$0First Missouri State Bank of Cape County
20$0First National Bank
20$0First National Bank
20$0First National Bank
20$0First National Bank
20$0First National Bank
20$0First National Bank Alaska
20$0First National Bank at Darlington
20$0First National Bank in Ord
20$0First National Bank North
20$0First National Bank of America
20$0First National Bank of Fort Stockton
20$0First National Bank of Griffin
20$0First National Bank of Jasper
20$0First National Bank of Oklahoma
20$0First National Bank of Omaha
20$0First National Bank of Pennsylvania
20$0First National Bank of Pulaski
20$0First National Bank of Scotia
20$0First National Bank USA
20$0First National Bank, Ames, Iowa
20$0First PREMIER Bank
20$0First Republic Bank
20$0First Savings Bank
20$0First Savings Bank
20$0First Secure Bank and Trust Co.
20$0First Security Bank
20$0First Security Bank of Nevada
20$0First Southern State Bank
20$0First State Bank
20$0First State Bank
20$0First State Bank
20$0First State Bank
20$0First State Bank
20$0First State Bank
20$0First State Bank
20$0First State Bank and Trust
20$0First State Bank of Bedias
20$0First State Bank of Beecher City
20$0First State Bank of Bigfork
20$0First State Bank of Campbell Hill
20$0First State Bank of San Diego
20$0First State Bank of St. Charles, Missouri
20$0First State Community Bank
20$0First Summit Bank
20$0First Trust and Savings Bank
20$0First United Bank & Trust
20$0First United Bank and Trust Company
20$0First US Bank
20$0First Western Bank & Trust
20$0First Western Federal Savings Bank
20$0First Westroads Bank, Inc.
20$0First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company
20$0FirstBank Puerto Rico
20$0FirstCapital Bank of Texas
20$0Firstrust Savings Bank
20$0Five Points Bank
20$0Five Points Bank of Hastings
20$0Five Star Bank
20$0Five Star Bank
20$0Flagstar Bank, FSB
20$0Florence Bank
20$0Flushing Bank
20$0FNB Bank
20$0FNB Community Bank
20$0Forcht Bank
20$0Forest Park National Bank and Trust Company
20$0Frandsen Bank & Trust
20$0Franklin State Bank & Trust Company
20$0Freedom Bank
20$0Freehold Bank
20$0Frontier Bank
20$0Frontier Bank
20$0Frontier State Bank
20$0Frost Bank
20$0Fulton Bank
20$0Gate City Bank
20$0Gateway Bank
20$0Gateway Commercial Bank
20$0Gateway First Bank
20$0Geddes Federal Savings and Loan Association
20$0Georgia Banking Company
20$0German American Bank
20$0German-American State Bank
20$0Glacier Bank
20$0Glennville Bank
20$0Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company
20$0Glenview State Bank
20$0Golden Bank
20$0Goldman Sachs Bank USA
20$0Goldwater Bank, N.A.
20$0Grand Rapids State Bank
20$0Grand Rivers Community Bank
20$0GrandSouth Bank
20$0Grandview Bank
20$0Great North Bank
20$0Great Southern Bank
20$0Great Western Bank
20$0Greater Community Bank
20$0Greenville National Bank
20$0Grove Bank & Trust
20$0GSL Savings Bank
20$0Guaranty Bank & Trust, N.A.
20$0Guaranty State Bank and Trust Company
20$0Gulf Coast Bank and Trust Company
20$0Habib American Bank
20$0Hancock Whitney Bank
20$0Hanmi Bank
20$0Happy State Bank
20$0HarborOne Bank
20$0Hardin County Savings Bank
20$0Harford Bank
20$0Harvest Bank
20$0Hawthorn Bank
20$0Heartland Bank and Trust Company
20$0Hebron Savings Bank
20$0Helm Bank USA
20$0Heritage Bank
20$0Heritage Bank
20$0Heritage Bank of Commerce
20$0Heritage Bank, Inc.
20$0Heritage Community Bank
20$0Heritage Community Bank
20$0Heritage First Bank
20$0Hills Bank and Trust Company
20$0Hingham Institution for Savings
20$0Hinsdale Bank & Trust Company
20$0HNB First Bank
20$0Holladay Bank & Trust
20$0Home Bank
20$0Home State Bank
20$0HomePride Bank
20$0HomeStreet Bank
20$0Hometown Bank of Pennsylvania
20$0HomeTrust Bank
20$0Horizon Bank
20$0HSBC Bank USA
20$0HSBC Trust Company (Delaware)
20$0Huron Valley State Bank
20$0Hyden Citizens Bank
20$0Illinois Bank & Trust
20$0Independence Bank
20$0Independence Bank of Kentucky
20$0Independent Bank
20$0Independent Bank
20$0Industrial and Commercial Bank of China USA
20$0Industry State Bank
20$0Infinity Bank
20$0Institution for Savings in Newburyport and Its Vicinity
20$0Interaudi Bank
20$0Intercredit Bank
20$0International Bank of Commerce
20$0International Bank of Commerce
20$0International Bank of Commerce
20$0International Bank of Commerce
20$0International Finance Bank
20$0Interstate Federal Savings and Loan Association of McGregor
20$0Intrust Bank
20$0Investar Bank
20$0Investors Bank
20$0Investors Community Bank
20$0Ipava State Bank
20$0Isabella Bank
20$0Israel Discount Bank of New York
20$0Jackson Federal Savings and Loan Association
20$0Jackson Savings Bank, SSB
20$0JD Bank
20$0Jefferson Bank
20$0Jefferson Bank and Trust Company
20$0Jefferson Bank of Missouri
20$0Jersey Shore State Bank
20$0Jewett City Savings Bank
20$0Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank
20$0John Marshall Bank
20$0Johnson Bank
20$0Jonestown Bank and Trust Company, of Jonestown, Pennsylvania
20$0JPMorgan Chase Bank, Dearborn
20$0JPMorgan Chase Bank
20$0KansasLand Bank
20$0Katahdin Trust Company
20$0Kearny Bank
20$0Kendall Bank
20$0Kitsap Bank
20$0KS StateBank
20$0La Monte Community Bank
20$0Lafayette State Bank
20$0Lake Central Bank
20$0Lake Elmo Bank
20$0Lake Forest Bank & Trust Company
20$0Lake-Osceola State Bank
20$0Lakeland Bank
20$0Lakeside Bank
20$0Lakeview Bank
20$0Lamar National Bank
20$0Landmark Community Bank
20$0Landmark National Bank
20$0Latimer State Bank
20$0Lea County State Bank
20$0Leader Bank
20$0Ledyard National Bank
20$0Lee Bank and Trust Company
20$0Legacy Bank
20$0Legacy Bank
20$0Legends Bank
20$0Lena State Bank
20$0LendingClub Bank
20$0Level One Bank
20$0Liberty Bank
20$0Liberty Bank and Trust Company
20$0Liberty National Bank
20$0Libertyville Bank & Trust Company
20$0LifeStore Bank
20$0Lincoln Savings Bank
20$0Lineage Bank
20$0Lone Star National Bank
20$0Luther Burbank Savings
20$0MA Bank
20$0Madison County Community Bank
20$0Magnolia Bank, Incorporated
20$0Mahopac Bank
20$0MainStreet Bank
20$0Manasquan Bank
20$0Manhattan Bank
20$0Manufacturers Bank
20$0Maple Bank
20$0Marion Community Bank
20$0Marion State Bank
20$0Marquette Bank
20$0Martha's Vineyard Bank
20$0Mascoma Bank
20$0Maspeth Federal Savings and Loan Association
20$0Maynard Savings Bank
20$0Mayville Savings Bank
20$0McGehee Bank
20$0Meade County Bank
20$0Mechanics Bank
20$0Mechanics Bank
20$0Members Trust Company
20$0Mercantile Bank of Michigan
20$0Mercer Savings Bank
20$0Merchants Bank of Indiana
20$0Merchants Bank
20$0Meredith Village Savings Bank
20$0Merrick Bank
20$0Merrimack County Savings Bank
20$0Metro City Bank
20$0Mid Penn Bank
20$0Mid-Missouri Bank
20$0Middlesex Federal Savings, F.A.
20$0Middlesex Savings Bank
20$0MidFirst Bank
20$0Midland States Bank
20$0Midwest Bank
20$0Midwest Bank
20$0Midwest BankCentre
20$0Midwest Heritage Bank, FSB
20$0MidWestOne Bank
20$0Millbury National Bank
20$0Millennium Bank
20$0Millville Savings Bank
20$0Minnesota Bank & Trust
20$0Minnesota National Bank
20$0Minnwest Bank
20$0Mizuho Bank (USA)
20$0Monroe Savings Bank
20$0Morgan Stanley Bank
20$0Morgan Stanley Private Bank
20$0Morton Community Bank
20$0Mountain Commerce Bank
20$0MUFG Union Bank
20$0Murphy Bank
20$0MVB Bank, Inc
20$0NBH Bank
20$0NBT Bank
20$0Nebraskaland Bank
20$0Needham Bank
20$0Neighborhood National Bank
20$0New Era Bank
20$0New Mexico Bank & Trust
20$0New Peoples Bank, Inc.
20$0New York Community Bank
20$0Newfield National Bank
20$0Newtown Savings Bank
20$0Nicolet National Bank
20$0North American Savings Bank, F.S.B.
20$0North Arundel Savings Bank
20$0North Brookfield Savings Bank
20$0North County Savings Bank
20$0North Shore Bank of Commerce
20$0North Shore Bank, FSB
20$0Northbrook Bank and Trust Company
20$0Northeast Bank
20$0Northfield Bank
20$0Northpointe Bank
20$0Northwest Bank
20$0Northwest Bank
20$0Northwest Bank of Rockford
20$0Norwood Co-operative Bank
20$0NSB Bank
20$0Oak Valley Community Bank
20$0Ocean Bank
20$0OceanFirst Bank
20$0Oklahoma Heritage Bank
20$0Old National Bank
20$0Old Plank Trail Community Bank
20$0Old Second National Bank
20$0One American Bank
20$0OneUnited Bank
20$0Optum Bank, Inc.
20$0OPTUS Bank
20$0Orange Bank &Trust Company
20$0Oriental Bank
20$0Origin Bank
20$0Orrstown Bank
20$0Owingsville Banking Company
20$0Oxford University Bank
20$0Ozarks Federal Savings and Loan Association
20$0Pacific City Bank
20$0Pacific Coast Bankers' Bank
20$0Pacific National Bank
20$0Pacific Premier Bank
20$0Paper City Savings Association
20$0Paradise Bank
20$0Park State Bank & Trust
20$0Parke Bank
20$0Parkway Bank and Trust Company
20$0Patriot Community Bank
20$0PCSB Bank
20$0Peapack-Gladstone Bank
20$0Pegasus Bank
20$0Penn Community Bank
20$0Pennian Bank
20$0People's Bank of Commerce
20$0People's United Bank
20$0Peoples Bank
20$0Peoples Bank
20$0Peoples Bank
20$0Peoples Bank
20$0Peoples Bank
20$0Peoples Bank & Trust Company of Hazard
20$0Peoples Bank of Alabama
20$0Peoples Independent Bank
20$0Peoples National Bank , N.A.
20$0Peoples Security Bank and Trust Company
20$0PeoplesBank, a Codorus Valley Company
20$0Persons Banking Company
20$0Pikes Peak National Bank
20$0Pilot Grove Savings Bank
20$0Pine Island Bank
20$0Pineland Bank
20$0Pinnacle Bank
20$0Pinnacle Bank
20$0Pinnacle Bank
20$0Pinnacle Bank
20$0Pinnacle Bank - Wyoming
20$0Pioneer Bank
20$0Pioneer Bank
20$0Pioneer Bank & Trust
20$0Pioneer Bank, SSB
20$0Pioneer Commercial Bank
20$0Planters Bank & Trust Company
20$0Planters First Bank
20$0Platinum Bank
20$0Popular Bank
20$0Powell Valley National Bank
20$0Prairie Community Bank
20$0Prairie State Bank and Trust
20$0Preferred Bank
20$0Premier Bank
20$0Premier Bank
20$0Premier Bank
20$0Premier Bank, Inc.
20$0Premier Valley Bank
20$0Primary Bank
20$0Prime Alliance Bank
20$0Prime Meridian Bank
20$0Primis Bank
20$0Principal Bank
20$0Progress Bank and Trust
20$0Prosperity Bank
20$0Provident Bank
20$0Prudential Bank
20$0Pulaski Savings Bank
20$0Quad City Bank and Trust Company
20$0Quaint Oak Bank
20$0Quantum National Bank
20$0Queensborough National Bank & Trust Company
20$0Quoin Financial Bank
20$0R Bank
20$0Raymond James Bank
20$0RBC Bank, (Georgia)
20$0RCB Bank
20$0Readlyn Savings Bank
20$0Red River Bank
20$0Red River State Bank
20$0Regions Bank
20$0Reliance State Bank
20$0Renasant Bank
20$0Republic Bank
20$0Republic Bank & Trust Company
20$0Republic Bank of Chicago
20$0Ridgewood Savings Bank
20$0River Bank & Trust
20$0River City Bank
20$0River City Bank, Inc.
20$0Riverside Bank
20$0Riverview Community Bank
20$0Robertson Banking Company
20$0Rochelle State Bank
20$0Rock Canyon Bank
20$0Rocky Mountain Bank
20$0Royal Business Bank
20$0S&T Bank
20$0Safra National Bank of New York
20$0Salem Five Cents Savings Bank
20$0Sallie Mae Bank
20$0Sandy Spring Bank
20$0Santa Cruz County Bank
20$0Santander Bank, N.A.
20$0Saratoga National Bank and Trust
20$0Sauk Valley Bank & Trust Company
20$0Savannah Bank
20$0Savings Bank
20$0Savings Bank of Danbury
20$0Savings Bank of Walpole
20$0Schaumburg Bank & Trust Company
20$0Seacoast National Bank
20$0Security Bank & Trust Company
20$0Security Bank of Kansas City
20$0Security Bank of Pulaski County
20$0Security Bank USA
20$0Security Bank, s.b.
20$0Security Federal Savings Bank of McMinnville
20$0Security National Bank
20$0Security National Bank of Omaha
20$0Security State Bank
20$0Select Bank & Trust Company
20$0Senath State Bank
20$0ServisFirst Bank
20$0Sewickley Savings Bank
20$0Shelby Savings Bank, SSB
20$0Shinhan Bank America
20$0Sidney State Bank
20$0Signature Bank of Arkansas
20$0Signature Bank
20$0Silvergate Bank
20$0Simmons Bank
20$0Solon State Bank
20$0Somerset Trust Company
20$0Somerville Bank
20$0South Georgia Bank
20$0South State Bank
20$0The First National Bank of Polk County
20$0Southern Bank and Trust Company
20$0Southern Bank of Tennessee
20$0Southern First Bank
20$0Southern Michigan Bank & Trust
20$0SouthPoint Bank
20$0Southside Bank
20$0Southwest Bank of Weatherford
20$0Spencer Savings Bank, SLA
20$0Spirit of Texas Bank, SSB
20$0SSB Bank
20$0St. Charles Bank & Trust Company
20$0Stafford Savings Bank
20$0STAR Financial Bank
20$0Starion Bank
20$0State Bank
20$0State Bank
20$0State Bank & Trust Co.
20$0State Bank & Trust Company
20$0State Bank Financial
20$0State Bank of Cross Plains
20$0State Bank of Davis
20$0State Bank of Fairmont
20$0State Bank of Graymont
20$0State Bank of Herscher
20$0State Bank of Missouri
20$0State Bank of Nauvoo
20$0State Bank of the Lakes
20$0State Bank of Wapello
20$0State Savings Bank
20$0State Street Bank and Trust Company
20$0Stearns Bank
20$0Sterling Bank
20$0Sterling Bank and Trust, FSB
20$0Sterling National Bank
20$0Sterling State Bank
20$0Stifel Bank and Trust
20$0Stock Yards Bank & Trust Company
20$0Stockman Bank of Montana
20$0Stockmens National Bank in Cotulla
20$0Summit Community Bank, Inc
20$0Suncrest Bank
20$0Sunflower Bank
20$0Sunrise Banks
20$0Sunwest Bank
20$0Superior Savings Bank
20$0Susser Bank
20$0Sutton Bank
20$0Sycamore Bank
20$0Synchrony Bank
20$0Synovus Bank
20$0TD Bank USA
20$0Templeton Savings Bank
20$0Territorial Savings Bank
20$0Texana Bank
20$0Texas Bank and Trust Company
20$0Texas Capital Bank
20$0Texas Citizens Bank
20$0Texas Community Bank
20$0Texas Exchange Bank, ssb
20$0Texas National Bank of Jacksonville
20$0Texas Partners Bank
20$0The Adirondack Trust Company
20$0The American National Bank of Texas
20$0The Apple Creek Banking Company
20$0The Bancorp Bank
20$0The Bank of Bennington
20$0The Bank of Castile
20$0The Bank of Charlotte County
20$0The Bank of Commerce
20$0The Bank of Delmarva
20$0The Bank of Edison
20$0The Bank of Forest
20$0The Bank of Glen Burnie
20$0The Bank of Greene County
20$0The Bank of Magnolia Company
20$0The Bank of Marion
20$0The Bank of Missouri
20$0The Bank of Monroe
20$0The Bank of New York Mellon
20$0The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company
20$0The Bank of Princeton
20$0The Bank of South Carolina
20$0The Bank of Tampa
20$0The Bank of Tescott
20$0The Baxter State Bank
20$0The Bendena State Bank
20$0The Benton State Bank
20$0The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
20$0The Camden National Bank
20$0The Campbell & Fetter Bank
20$0The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
20$0The Central Trust Bank
20$0The Citizens Bank
20$0The Citizens National Bank of Hillsboro
20$0The Citizens National Bank of Meridian
20$0The City National Bank and Trust Company of Lawton, Oklahoma
20$0The City National Bank of Metropolis
20$0The City State Bank
20$0The Clinton National Bank
20$0The Colorado Bank and Trust Company of La Junta
20$0The Commercial Bank
20$0The Commercial Bank of Grayson
20$0The Community State Bank
20$0The Conway National Bank
20$0The Croghan Colonial Bank
20$0The Culbertson Bank
20$0The Dart Bank
20$0The Dickinson County Bank
20$0The Exchange Bank of Alabama
20$0The Fairfield National Bank
20$0The Farmers & Merchants State Bank
20$0The Farmers and Merchants Bank
20$0The Farmers Bank of Mt. Pulaski
20$0The Farmers National Bank of Canfield
20$0The Farmers State Bank
20$0The Federal Savings Bank
20$0The Fidelity State Bank and Trust Company
20$0The First Bank and Trust Company
20$0The First Central National Bank of St. Paris
20$0The First National Bank in Cimarron
20$0The First National Bank in Cooper
20$0The First National Bank of Ava
20$0The First National Bank of Bellville
20$0The First National Bank of Bemidji
20$0The First National Bank of Carmi
20$0The First National Bank of Eagle Lake
20$0The First National Bank of Fort Smith
20$0The First National Bank of Granbury
20$0The First National Bank of Hugo
20$0The First National Bank of Izard County
20$0The First National Bank of Las Animas
20$0The First National Bank of Le Center
20$0The First National Bank of Lipan
20$0The First National Bank of Long Island
20$0The First National Bank of Manning
20$0The First National Bank of McConnelsville
20$0The First National Bank of Mertzon
20$0The First National Bank of Okawville
20$0The First National Bank of Primghar
20$0The First National Bank of Shiner
20$0The First National Bank of Spearville
20$0The First National Bank of Stigler
20$0The First National Bank of Sycamore
20$0The First National Bank of Waynesboro
20$0The First National Bank of Williamson
20$0The First Security Bank
20$0The First State Bank
20$0The First State Bank of Pond Creek, Oklahoma
20$0The First State Bank of Ransom
20$0The First Trust and Savings Bank of Watseka, Illinois
20$0The First, A National Banking Association
20$0The Freedom Bank of Virginia
20$0The Gary State Bank
20$0The Gratz Bank
20$0The Hardin County Bank
20$0The Haverford Trust Company
20$0The Home National Bank of Thorntown
20$0The Hopeton State Bank
20$0The Lemont National Bank
20$0The Luzerne Bank
20$0The Middlefield Banking Company
20$0The Millyard Bank
20$0The Moody National Bank
20$0The National Bank of Blacksburg
20$0The National Bank of Coxsackie
20$0The National Bank of Middlebury
20$0The Northern Trust Company
20$0The Ohio Valley Bank Company
20$0The Old Point National Bank of Phoebus
20$0The Paducah Bank and Trust Company
20$0The Park National Bank
20$0The Payne County Bank
20$0The Peoples Bank
20$0The Philadelphia Trust Company
20$0The Pitney Bowes Bank, Inc.
20$0The Security National Bank of Enid
20$0The Security State Bank
20$0The Shelby State Bank
20$0The Southern Bank Company
20$0The State Bank
20$0The State Bank and Trust Company
20$0The Stock Exchange Bank
20$0The Twin Valley Bank
20$0The Valley State Bank
20$0The Village Bank
20$0The Washington Trust Company, of Westerly
20$0The Westchester Bank
20$0The Western State Bank
20$0The Wilson State Bank
20$0Third Federal Savings and Loan Association of Cleveland
20$0Three Rivers Bank of Montana
20$0Timberland Bank
20$0Titan Bank, N.A.
20$0Tompkins Trust Company
20$0Towanda State Bank
20$0Town & Country Bank
20$0Town & Country Bank
20$0Town & Country Bank and Trust Company
20$0Town And Country Bank
20$0Town Bank
20$0Towne Bank
20$0Toyota Financial Savings Bank
20$0TPNB Bank
20$0Tradition Capital Bank
20$0Traditions Bank
20$0Transpecos Banks, SSB
20$0Tri City National Bank
20$0Tri Counties Bank
20$0Tri-County Bank
20$0TriCentury Bank
20$0Tristate Capital Bank
20$0Triumph Bank
20$0Troy Bank & Trust Company
20$0Truist Bank
20$0TruPoint Bank
20$0TrustCo Bank
20$0Trustmark National Bank
20$0Truxton Trust Company
20$0Two Rivers Bank
20$0U. S. Century Bank
20$0U.S. Bank
20$0UBS Bank USA
20$0Ulster Savings Bank
20$0UMB Bank
20$0Umpqua Bank
20$0UniBank for Savings
20$0Union Bank
20$0Union Bank
20$0Union Bank and Trust Company
20$0Union County Savings Bank
20$0Union National Bank and Trust Company of Elgin
20$0United Bank
20$0United Bank & Trust
20$0United Bank of Iowa
20$0United Bankers' Bank
20$0United Community Bank
20$0United Community Bank
20$0United Community Bank
20$0United Community Bank of North Dakota
20$0United Fidelity Bank, fsb
20$0United Orient Bank
20$0United Roosevelt Savings Bank
20$0United State Bank
20$0United Texas Bank
20$0University Bank
20$0Univest Bank and Trust Co.
20$0Upper Peninsula State Bank
20$0USAA Federal Savings Bank
20$0USAA Savings Bank
20$0Uwharrie Bank
20$0Valley Bank of Nevada
20$0Valley National Bank
20$0Vast Bank
20$0Vergas State Bank
20$0Veritex Community Bank
20$0Vermillion State Bank
20$0Village Bank and Trust
20$0Vinings Bank
20$0Vision Bank
20$0VIST Bank
20$0Vista Bank
20$0Wakefield Co-operative Bank
20$0Wallis Bank
20$0Washington Federal Bank
20$0Washington Financial Bank
20$0Washington Savings Bank
20$0Washington Trust Bank
20$0Waterman Bank
20$0WaterStone Bank, SSB
20$0Wauchula State Bank
20$0Waukesha State Bank
20$0Webster Bank
20$0Webster Five Cents Savings Bank
20$0Wells Bank
20$0Wells Fargo Bank South Central
20$0Wells Fargo Bank
20$0Wells Fargo National Bank West
20$0WesBanco Bank, Inc.
20$0West Bank
20$0West Point Bank
20$0West Shore Bank
20$0West Suburban Bank
20$0West Valley National Bank
20$0Westamerica Bank
20$0Westbury Bank
20$0Western Alliance Bank
20$0Western Bank of Clovis
20$0Western Nebraska Bank
20$0Westfield Bank, FSB
20$0Westmoreland Federal Savings and Loan Association
20$0WEX Bank
20$0Wheaton Bank & Trust
20$0Whitaker Bank
20$0Whitesville State Bank
20$0Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB
20$0Wilmington Trust
20$0Wilson & Muir Bank & Trust Company
20$0Wilson Bank and Trust
20$0Windsor Federal Savings and Loan Association
20$0Winnsboro State Bank & Trust Company
20$0Wintrust Bank
20$0Wisconsin Bank & Trust
20$0Woodforest National Bank
20$0Woodlands National Bank
20$0Worthington Federal Savings Bank, FSB
20$0Wyoming Community Bank
1296$-19,000North American Banking Company
1297$-55,000Signature Bank
1298$-111,000Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
1300$-459,000Choice Financial Group
1301$-735,000Live Oak Banking Company
1302$-1,113,000Busey Bank
1303$-1,428,000Silicon Valley Bank