Banks Ranked by Banks in foreign countries as of 2000-12-31

Skagit State Bank was ranked #44 in terms of "Banks in foreign countries" in all banks in U.S. with a value of $0. This comparison is based on data reported on 2000-12-31.

RankBanks in foreign countriesBank Name
1$955,000,000Bank of America
3$530,000,000Wachovia Bank
4$160,000,000Bank One
5$150,000,000Citibank (Nevada)
5$150,000,000Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.
7$130,254,000Scotiabank de Puerto Rico
8$84,976,000Bank One, Delaware
9$72,156,000Union Planters Bank
10$49,649,000Safra National Bank of New York
11$36,750,000Arab Bank PLC
12$20,000,000Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company
13$13,917,000Bank Name Not Available
14$12,118,000IBJ Whitehall Bank & Trust Company
15$11,615,000Capital One
16$5,290,000Israel Discount Bank of New York
17$5,000,000JPMorgan Chase Bank
18$3,514,000Bank Name Not Available
19$3,359,000Connecticut Bank of Commerce
20$2,499,000Cedars Bank
21$2,271,000Espirito Santo Bank
22$2,000,000Helm Bank USA
23$1,773,000Pacific National Bank
25$1,324,000Whitney National Bank
26$951,000Ocean Bank
27$737,000BAC Florida Bank
28$653,000Hamilton Bank
29$500,000Bank of Hawaii
30$409,000The Bank of Miami
31$406,000AmTrade International Bank of Georgia
32$266,000LBS Bank - New York
33$150,000BNY Mellon
34$101,000International Finance Bank
34$101,000State Street Bank and Trust Company
36$79,000BPD Bank
37$50,000Executive National Bank
38$27,000Chinatrust Bank (U.S.A.)
39$11,000The Berkshire Bank
40$7,000State Bank of India
41$4,000Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
42$2,000Midwest Guaranty Bank
43$1,000Comerica Bank
44$01st Constitution Bank
44$01st National Bank & Trust
44$01st Source Bank
44$01st State Bank
44$01st Summit Bank
44$05Star Bank
44$0Abington Savings Bank
44$0Abington Savings Bank
44$0Adams Bank & Trust
44$0Adams Co-operative Bank
44$0ACNB Bank
44$0Adams National Bank
44$0Adirondack Bank
44$0Admiralty Bank
44$0Advance Bank
44$0Advanta Bank Corp.
44$0Advanta Bank
44$0Affinity Bank
44$0Alamo Bank of Texas
44$0Albany Bank and Trust Company
44$0Alden State Bank
44$0Alerus Financial
44$0Algonquin State Bank
44$0Aliant Bank
44$0Allegheny Valley Bank of Pittsburgh
44$0Allegiant Bank
44$0Allfirst Bank
44$0Allfirst Financial Center
44$0Alliance Bank
44$0Alliance Bank
44$0Alliance Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Alpha Community Bank
44$0Alpine Bank
44$0Alpine Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Altoona First Savings Bank
44$0Alva State Bank & Trust Company
44$0Amalgamated Bank
44$0Amalgamated Bank of Chicago
44$0Amarillo National Bank
44$0Amboy Bank
44$0Amcore Bank
44$0Amerasia Bank
44$0American Bank
44$0American Bank
44$0Gold Bank
44$0American Bank
44$0Kirkpatrick Bank
44$0American Bank and Trust Company
44$0American Bank and Trust Company
44$0American Bank of Commerce
44$0American Bank of Connecticut
44$0American Bank
44$0American Bank of Texas
44$0American Bank
44$0American Bank
44$0Ameris Bank
44$0American Chartered Bank
44$0American City Bank of Tullahoma
44$0American Commercial Bank
44$0American Community Bank
44$0American Express Centurion Bank
44$0American First National Bank
44$0American Heritage National Bank
44$0American Investment Bank
44$0American Marine Bank
44$0American National Bank
44$0American National Bank
44$0American National Bank and Trust Company
44$0American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago
44$0American River Bank
44$0American Savings Bank
44$0American State Bank
44$0American State Bank
44$0American State Bank
44$0American Bank & Trust
44$0American State Bank & Trust Company of Williston
44$0American Sterling Bank
44$0American Trust & Savings Bank
44$0American Trust & Savings Bank
44$0AmericanWest Bank
44$0AmericaUnited Bank and Trust Company USA
44$0Amerifirst Bank
44$0AmSouth Bank
44$0Anchor Bank
44$0Anchor Bank
44$0Anchor Bank
44$0Anderson Brothers Bank
44$0Andover Bank
44$0Andrew Johnson Bank
44$0Androscoggin Savings Bank
44$0Michigan Commerce Bank
44$0Antelope Valley Bank
44$0Apollo Trust Company
44$0Apple Bank for Savings
44$0Apple River State Bank
44$0Arapahoe Bank and Trust
44$0Archer Bank
44$0Area Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0ANB Financial
44$0Liberty Bank of Arkansas
44$0Armed Forces Bank
44$0Armstrong Bank
44$0American State Bank
44$0Arthur State Bank
44$0Artisans' Bank
44$0Arvest Bank
44$0Arvest Bank
44$0Arvest Bank
44$0Arvest State Bank
44$0Asahi Bank of California
44$0Asheville Savings Bank, S.S.B.
44$0Asia Bank
44$0Associated Bank Chicago
44$0Associated Bank
44$0Associated Bank Illinois
44$0Associated Bank Lakeshore
44$0Associated Bank Milwaukee
44$0Associated Bank Minnesota
44$0Associated Bank North
44$0Associated Bank South Central
44$0Associated Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Associates National Bank (Delaware)
44$0Athol Savings Bank
44$0Atlantic Bank
44$0Atlantic Central Bankers Bank
44$0Atlantic Stewardship Bank
44$0The Village Bank
44$0Austin Bank of Chicago
44$0Austin Bank, Texas
44$0Baker-Boyer National Bank
44$0Ballston Spa National Bank
44$0Mercantile Peninsula Bank
44$0Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Puerto Rico
44$0Banco Financiero de Puerto Rico
44$0Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
44$0Banco Popular North America
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Banco Santander Puerto Rico
44$0BancorpSouth Bank
44$0Bangor Savings Bank
44$0Bank & Trust Company
44$0Interaudi Bank
44$0Bank Calumet
44$0American Bank Center
44$0Bank Hapoalim B.M.
44$0Bank Independent
44$0Bank Leumi USA
44$0Bank Midwest
44$0Bank Midwest
44$0Bank of Abbeville & Trust Company
44$0Bank of Agriculture and Commerce
44$0Bank of Akron
44$0CapitalSouth Bank
44$0Bank of Albuquerque
44$0Bank of Alma
44$0Bank of America California
44$0Bank of America Oregon
44$0Bank of America, National Association (USA)
44$0Bank of American Fork
44$0Bank of Ann Arbor
44$0Bank of Arkansas, National Asssociation
44$0Bank of Astoria
44$0Bank of Baroda
44$0Bank of Bartlett
44$0Community Financial Services Bank
44$0Bank of Bentonville
44$0Bank of Bloomsdale
44$0Bank of Blue Valley
44$0Bank of Botetourt
44$0Bank of Camden
44$0Bank of Canton of California
44$0Bank of Central Florida
44$0Bank of Charles Town
44$0Bank of China
44$0Bank of Clarke County
44$0Bank of Cleveland
44$0Bank of Colorado
44$0Bank of Commerce
44$0Bank of Commerce
44$0Bank of Commerce & Trust Co.
44$0Bank of Coweta
44$0Bank of Crocker
44$0River Town Bank
44$0Bank of Dickson
44$0Bank of Eastman
44$0Bank of Edmonson County
44$0Bank of Elmwood
44$0Essex Bank
44$0Bank of Floyd
44$0Bank of Gassaway
44$0Bank of Granite
44$0Bank of Gravett
44$0Security Bank of Jones County
44$0Bank of Guam
44$0Bank of Hampton Roads
44$0Bank of Hanover and Trust Company
44$0Bank of Hawaii Credit Card
44$0Bank of Hiawassee
44$0Bank of Homewood
44$0Plains Commerce Bank
44$0Bank of Huntingdon
44$0Bank of Idaho
44$0Bank of India
44$0Bank of Jackson Hole
44$0Bank of Jacomo
44$0Bank of Kimberling City
44$0Bank of Kirksville
44$0Bank of Lancaster
44$0BLC Bank N. A.
44$0Bank of Lee's Summit
44$0Bank of Lenawee
44$0Bank of Lincolnwood
44$0BLC Community Bank
44$0Bank of Lodi
44$0Bank of Los Altos
44$0Bank of Louisiana
44$0Bank of Louisville
44$0Bank of Marin
44$0Bank of Mauston
44$0Bank of Maysville
44$0Bank of Mountain View
44$0BNA Bank
44$0Bank of New Hampshire
44$0Bank of North Carolina
44$0Bank of North Georgia
44$0Bank of Northumberland, Incorporated
44$0Bank of O'Fallon
44$0Bank of Odessa
44$0Bank of Orange County
44$0Bank of Petaluma
44$0Pinnacle Bank
44$0Bank of Pontiac
44$0Bank of Prairie du Sac
44$0Bank of Prattville
44$0Bank of Putnam County
44$0Bank of Rantoul
44$0Bank of Rio Vista
44$0Bank of Ripley
44$0Bank of Santa Clara
44$0Bank of Santa Fe
44$0Bank of Smithtown
44$0Bank of Southern Maryland
44$0Bank of Springfield
44$0Bank of Stanly
44$0Bank of Stockton
44$0Bank of Sullivan
44$0Bank of Sun Prairie
44$0Bank of Tanglewood
44$0Bank of Tazewell County
44$0Bank of Tennessee
44$0Bank of Texas.
44$0Bank of the Cascades
44$0Bank of the Commonwealth
44$0Bank of the Eastern Shore
44$0Bank of the Northwest
44$0Bank of the Orient
44$0Bank of the Ozarks
44$0Bank of the Pacific
44$0Bank of the Sierra
44$0Bank of the Southwest
44$0Bank of the Southwest of Dallas
44$0Bank of the West
44$0WestStar Bank
44$0Bank of the West
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Bank of Travelers Rest
44$0Bank of Upson
44$0Bank of Utah
44$0Bank of Utica
44$0Bank of Walnut Creek
44$0Bank of Washington
44$0Norstates Bank
44$0Bank of Wedowee
44$0American Gateway Bank
44$0Bank of Whitman
44$0Bank of Wisconsin Dells
44$0Bank of Yazoo City
44$0Bank of York
44$0Bank One Trust Company
44$0Bank One, Arizona
44$0Bank One, Colorado
44$0Bank One, Florida
44$0Bank One, Illinois
44$0Bank One, Indiana
44$0Bank One, Kentucky
44$0Bank One, Louisiana
44$0Bank One, Michigan
44$0Bank One
44$0Bank One, Oklahoma
44$0Bank One, Texas
44$0Bank One, Utah
44$0Bank One, West Virginia
44$0Bank One, Wheeling-Steubenville
44$0Bank One, Wisconsin
44$0Bank Rhode Island
44$0Bank West
44$0Deutsche Bank Trust Company Delaware
44$0Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
44$0Bankers Trust Company
44$0Bankers' Bank
44$0Bankers' Bank of the West
44$0BankFirst Financial Services
44$0Main Street Bank & Trust
44$0BankIowa of Cedar Rapids
44$0Bank of Nevada
44$0BankWest, Inc.
44$0Banner Bank
44$0Banner Bank of Oregon
44$0Union Bank
44$0Banterra Bank
44$0Barnes Banking Company
44$0Barrington Bank & Trust Company
44$0Bartow County Bank
44$0Bath National Bank
44$0Bath Savings Institution
44$0Baxley Federal Bank
44$0Bay Area Bank
44$0Bay Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Bay Bank of Commerce
44$0Opus Bank
44$0Bay State Savings Bank
44$0Bay View Bank
44$0Baylake Bank
44$0Bayshore National Bank of La Porte
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Beal Bank, SSB
44$0Freedom Bank, Inc.
44$0Belmont National Bank
44$0Belmont Savings Bank
44$0Belmont Savings Bank
44$0Benchmark Bank
44$0Benchmark Community Bank
44$0Beneficial Mutual Savings Bank
44$0Beneficial National Bank USA
44$0Benjamin Franklin Bank
44$0Bergen Commercial Bank
44$0Berkshire Bank
44$0Bernville Bank
44$0Bessemer Trust Company
44$0Bessemer Trust Company
44$0Biddeford Savings Bank
44$0Big Lake National Bank
44$0Blackhawk Bank & Trust
44$0Blackhawk Bank
44$0Bloomfield State Bank
44$0Bloomingdale Bank and Trust
44$0Blue Ball National Bank
44$0Blue Ridge Bank and Trust Co.
44$0Blue Ridge Bank
44$0BMW Bank of North America
44$0BNC National Bank
44$0The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company
44$0Bogota Savings Bank
44$0Boiling Springs Savings Bank
44$0Boone Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Premier Bank, Inc.
44$0Boonslick Bank
44$0Borel Private Bank & Trust Company
44$0Boston Private Bank & Trust Company
44$0Mellon Trust of New England
44$0Branch Banking and Trust Company
44$0Branch Banking and Trust Company of South Carolina
44$0Branch Banking and Trust Company of Virginia
44$0Bremen Bank and Trust Company
44$0Bremer Bank
44$0Bremer Bank
44$0Bremer Bank
44$0Bremer Bank
44$0Bremer Bank
44$0Bremer Bank
44$0Bremer Bank
44$0Brenton Bank
44$0Brentwood Bank
44$0Brickyard Bank
44$0Bridge View Bank
44$0Bridgeview Bank Group
44$0Bridgewater Savings Bank
44$0Brighton Bank
44$0Bristol County Savings Bank
44$0Britton & Koontz Bank, N.A.
44$0Broadway Bank
44$0Broadway National Bank
44$0Brookhollow National Bank
44$0Brookline Bank
44$0Clear Mountain Bank
44$0Brunswick Bank and Trust Company
44$0BSB Bank & Trust Company
44$0BTC Bank
44$0Bullitt County Bank
44$0Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Company
44$0Two Rivers Bank & Trust
44$0Busey Bank
44$0Business Bank of California
44$0Business Bank of Nevada
44$0Butte Community Bank
44$0BYL Bank Group
44$0Byron Bank
44$0Cache Bank and Trust
44$0California Bank & Trust
44$0BBCN Bank
44$0Banamex USA
44$0California National Bank
44$0California Pacific Bank
44$0Mercantile Southern Maryland Bank
44$0Calvin B. Taylor Banking Company of Berlin, Maryland
44$0First California Bank
44$0Cambridge Bank
44$0Cambridge Savings Bank
44$0Advantage Bank
44$0Cambridge Trust Company
44$0CambridgePort Bank
44$0Cameron State Bank
44$0Camino Real Bank
44$0Cape Ann Savings Bank
44$0Cape Cod Bank and Trust
44$0Cape Cod Co-operative Bank
44$0Cape Coral National Bank
44$0Cape Bank
44$0Capital Bank
44$0Capital Bank
44$0Capital Bank & Trust Company
44$0Capital Bank
44$0Capital Bank of North County
44$0Capital City Bank
44$0Capital City Bank
44$0Capital Crossing Bank
44$0Capital One Bank (USA)
44$0Summit Community Bank, Inc
44$0Capitol National Bank
44$0Capitol Thrift and Loan Association
44$0MainSource Bank of Illinois
44$0Carolina Bank & Trust Co.
44$0United Community Bank
44$0Carolina First Bank
44$0Carolina Southern Bank
44$0Carroll Bank and Trust
44$0Carrollton Bank
44$0Carrollton Bank
44$0Carter County Bank of Elizabethton, Tennessee
44$0Cashmere Valley Bank
44$0Cass Commercial Bank
44$0Castle Bank
44$0Catawba Valley Bank
44$0Cathay Bank
44$0Cattaraugus County Bank
44$0Cayuga Bank
44$0CB&T Bank of Middle Georgia
44$0CB&T Bank of East Alabama
44$0Centennial Bank
44$0Centennial Bank of the West
44$0Centera Bank
44$0Centier Bank
44$0Central Bank
44$0Central Bank
44$0Central Bank
44$0Central Bank
44$0Central Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Central Bank and Trust
44$0Central Bank and Trust Company
44$0Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks
44$0Central Bank of Tampa
44$0Central Carolina Bank and Trust Company
44$0Central Co-operative Bank
44$0CIBM Bank
44$0Central National Bank
44$0Central National Bank
44$0Central National Bank & Trust Co., of Enid
44$0Central National Bank, Canajoharie
44$0Central Pacific Bank
44$0Central Progressive Bank
44$0Central Savings Bank
44$0Central Sierra Bank
44$0Central State Bank
44$0United Bank Texas
44$0Central Bank Illinois
44$0Central Virginia Bank
44$0Centreville Savings Bank
44$0RBC Bank (USA)
44$0Century Bank
44$0Century Bank and Trust
44$0Century Bank and Trust
44$0Century Bank and Trust Company
44$0Century Bank of the Ozarks
44$0Century Bank
44$0Century Bank
44$0Century National Bank
44$0Century National Bank
44$0Century Savings Bank
44$0Century South Bank of Central Georgia
44$0Century South Bank of Dahlonega
44$0Century South Bank of Ellijay
44$0Century South Bank of Northeast Georgia
44$0Century South Bank of the Coastal Region
44$0Cerritos Valley Bank
44$0Chambers Bank
44$0Champaign National Bank
44$0Champlain National Bank
44$0Charter Bank
44$0Charter Bank and Trust Co.
44$0Charter Bank Eau Claire
44$0Chart Bank, A Cooperative Bank
44$0Charter National Bank and Trust
44$0Charter One Commercial
44$0Chase Bank of Texas-San Angelo
44$0Chase Bank USA
44$0Chase Manhattan Private Bank
44$0Chelsea State Bank
44$0Chemical Bank
44$0Chemical Bank Bay Area
44$0Chemical Bank Key State
44$0Chemical Bank Michigan
44$0Chemical Bank Montcalm
44$0Chemical Bank Thumb Area
44$0Chemung Canal Trust Company
44$0Cherokee State Bank
44$0Chesapeake Bank
44$0Chester National Bank
44$0Chicago Community Bank
44$0Chicopee Savings Bank
44$0Savings Bank & Trust
44$0Chittenden Trust Company
44$0Shinhan Bank America
44$0ChoiceOne Bank
44$0CIB Bank
44$0CIBC National Bank
44$0Citibank (Delaware)
44$0Citibank (New York State)
44$0Citibank USA
44$0CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited
44$0Citizen's Bank
44$0Citizens & Northern Bank
44$0Citizens 1st Bank
44$0Citizens and Farmers Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0First Western Bank
44$0CB&S Bank, Inc.
44$0Citizens Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Citizens Bank & Trust Company
44$0Citizens Bank and Trust Company
44$0Citizens Bank and Trust Company
44$0Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Ardmore
44$0Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Grainger County
44$0Citizens Bank and Trust of West Georgia
44$0Citizens Bank New Hampshire
44$0Citizens Bank of Ada
44$0Citizens Bank of Blount County
44$0Citizens Bank of Northern Kentucky, Inc.
44$0Citizens Bank of Connecticut
44$0Citizens Bank of Kansas
44$0Citizens Bank of Lafayette
44$0Citizens Bank of Las Cruces
44$0Citizens Bank of Massachusetts
44$0Citizens Bank of Mukwonago
44$0Citizens Bank Minnesota
44$0Citizens Bank of Newburg
44$0Citizens Bank of Rhode Island
44$0Citizens Bank of Washington County
44$0Citizens Bank
44$0Citizens Business Bank
44$0Citizens Deposit Bank & Trust
44$0Citizens First Bank
44$0Citizens First Bank
44$0Citizens First National Bank
44$0CF Bancorp
44$0Citizens First State Bank
44$0Citizens Independent Bank
44$0Citizens National Bank
44$0Citizens National Bank
44$0Citizens National Bank
44$0Citizens National Bank & Trust of Hazard
44$0Citizens National Bank at Brownwood
44$0Citizens National Bank of Texas
44$0Citizens National Bank of Albion
44$0CNB Bank, Inc.
44$0Citizens National Bank of Cheboygan
44$0Citizens Bank of West Virginia, Inc.
44$0Citizens National Bank of Greater St. Louis
44$0Citizens National Bank
44$0Citizens National Bank of Paintsville
44$0Citizens Bank of Southern Pennsylvania
44$0Citizens National Bank of Springfield
44$0Citizens National Bank of Texas
44$0Citizens Savings Bank
44$0Citizens Savings Bank
44$0Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company
44$0Citizens Security Bank
44$0Citizens Security Bank & Trust Company
44$0ANZ Guam, Inc.
44$0PriorityOne Bank
44$0Citizens State Bank
44$0Citizens State Bank
44$0Citizens State Bank
44$0Citizens State Bank
44$0Citizens State Bank - Midwest
44$0Citizens Alliance Bank
44$0Citizens State Bank of New Castle, Indiana
44$0Citizens State Bank of Roseau
44$0Citizens Tri-County Bank
44$0Citizens Trust Bank
44$0Citizens Trust Company
44$0Citizens Union Bank of Shelbyville
44$0Hawthorn Bank
44$0Citizens' Bank & Trust Co.
44$0BayCoast Bank
44$0Citrus and Chemical Bank
44$0Mercantile Bank
44$0City Bank
44$0City Bank
44$0City Bank
44$0City Bank & Trust Co.
44$0City Bank and Trust Company of Moberly
44$0City National Bank
44$0City National Bank
44$0City National Bank and Trust Company
44$0City National Bank and Trust Company, Hastings, Nebraska
44$0City National Bank of Florida
44$0City National Bank of New Jersey
44$0City National Bank of West Virginia
44$0Legacy Banks
44$0City State Bank
44$0Citywide Banks
44$0CivicBank of Commerce
44$0Clackamas County Bank
44$0Clare Bank
44$0Claremont Savings Bank
44$0Classic Bank
44$0Clear Lake Bank and Trust Company
44$0Clearfield Bank & Trust Company
44$0Cleveland Bank and Trust Company
44$0Clinton Savings Bank
44$0Central Valley Community Bank
44$0CNA Trust Corporation
44$0CNB National Bank
44$0Coast Commercial Bank
44$0Coastal Banc, S.S.B.
44$0Coastal Bank
44$0Coatesville Savings Bank
44$0Coconut Grove Bank
44$0Cohoes Savings Bank
44$0Cohutta Banking Company
44$0Cole Taylor Bank
44$0College Savings Bank
44$0Colonial Bank
44$0Colony Bank Ashburn
44$0Colony Bank
44$0CoBiz Bank
44$0Colorado East Bank & Trust
44$0Colorado State Bank and Trust, N. A.
44$0Columbia County Farmers National Bank
44$0Columbia River Bank
44$0Columbia State Bank
44$0Synovus Bank
44$0Comerica Bank & Trust
44$0Comerica Bank - Texas
44$0Comerica Bank
44$0Comerica Bank-California
44$0Commerce Bank
44$0Commerce Bank
44$0Commerce Bank & Trust Company
44$0CoreFirst Bank & Trust
44$0Commerce Bank
44$0Commerce Bank
44$0Commerce Bank
44$0Commerce Bank
44$0Commerce Bank/Central
44$0Metro Bank
44$0Commerce Bank/North
44$0Commerce Bank/Pennsylvania
44$0Commerce Bank/Shore
44$0Commerce National Bank
44$0Commercial Bank
44$0Commercial Bank
44$0Commercial Bank
44$0Commercial Bank
44$0Commercial Bank
44$0Commercial Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Commercial Bank & Trust Company
44$0Commercial Bank & Trust Company of Troup County
44$0Commercial Bank of Florida
44$0Commercial Bank of New York
44$0Commercial Bank of Oak Grove, Mo.
44$0Commercial Bank of Texas
44$0Commercial Bank and Trust of PA
44$0Commercial National Bank of Texarkana
44$0Commonwealth Bank and Trust Company
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank, Indianola
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank & Trust
44$0Community Bank & Trust
44$0Community Bank & Trust Company
44$0First Community Bank
44$0Community Bank & Trust, S.S.B.
44$0Community Bank & Trust, Waco, Texas
44$0Community Bank and Trust
44$0Community Bank and Trust Company
44$0Community Bank & Trust Company
44$0Community Bank and Trust of Southeast Alabama
44$0Meridian Bank
44$0Community Bank of Bergen County, N. J.
44$0Community Bank of Central California
44$0Fidelity Bank
44$0Community Bank of Florida, Inc.
44$0Community Bank of Mississippi
44$0Community Bank of Nevada
44$0Chambers Bank of North Arkansas
44$0Community Bank of Northern Virginia
44$0Community Bank of Parkersburg
44$0Your Community Bank
44$0Community Bank of Tri-County
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank
44$0Community Bank-Wheaton/Glen Ellyn
44$0Community Banks of Colorado
44$0Community Banks
44$0Community Central Bank
44$0Community Commerce Bank
44$0Renasant Bank of Tennessee
44$0Community First Bank
44$0Community First Bank
44$0Community First Bank & Trust
44$0Community First Bank, Inc.
44$0Community First National Bank
44$0Community First State Bank
44$0Community Mutual Savings Bank
44$0Community National Bank
44$0Community National Bank
44$0Community National Bank & Trust
44$0Community National Bank
44$0Community National Bank
44$0Community Resource Bank
44$0Community National Bank
44$0Community National Bank
44$0Community National Bank
44$0Community National Bank of Grand Forks
44$0Community Savings Bank
44$0Community Savings Bank
44$0Community Savings Bank, SSB
44$0Community South Bank
44$0Community State Bank
44$0Community State Bank
44$0Community State Bank of Missouri
44$0Community State Bank of Orbisonia
44$0Community State Bank
44$0Community Trust Bank
44$0Community Trust Bank
44$0Community Trust Bank, Inc.
44$0Compass Bank
44$0Compass Bank for Savings
44$0Concordia Bank & Trust Company
44$0Connecticut River Bank
44$0Mill Creek Bank
44$0Consolidated Bank and Trust Company
44$0Consumers National Bank
44$0Continental Community Bank and Trust Company
44$0Continental National Bank of Miami
44$0Cooperative Bank
44$0Cornerstone Bank
44$0Cornerstone Bank
44$0Cornerstone Community Bank
44$0Cornhusker Bank
44$0Community National Bank & Trust of Texas
44$0Cortland Savings Bank
44$0CorTrust Bank
44$0Corus Bank
44$0Cosmopolitan Bank and Trust
44$0Cottonport Bank
44$0Country Bank
44$0Country Bank for Savings
44$0Country Club Bank
44$0County Bank
44$0Mercantile County Bank
44$0CNB Bank
44$0Covest Banc
44$0American National Bank of Minnesota
44$0Crescent Bank & Trust
44$0Crescent Bank and Trust Company
44$0C US Bank
44$0Applied Bank
44$0Cross County Bank
44$0Cross Keys Bank
44$0CSB Bank
44$0CSB Bank
44$0TrustTexas Bank, SSB
44$0Cumberland Bank
44$0Cumberland County Bank
44$0Cumberland Valley National Bank & Trust Company
44$0Cupertino National Bank
44$0Custodial Trust Company
44$0D. L. Evans Bank
44$0Dacotah Bank
44$0Dairy State Bank
44$0American Bank of St. Paul
44$0Damascus Community Bank
44$0Darby Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Davis Trust Company
44$0United Communitiy Bank Dawson County
44$0De Witt Bank & Trust Co.
44$0De Witt Bank and Trust Company
44$0Dean Co-operative Bank
44$0Decatur Bank and Trust Company
44$0Decatur State Bank
44$0Decorah Bank & Trust Company
44$0Dedham Institution for Savings
44$0Del Rio National Bank
44$0Delaware National Bank
44$0Delaware Place Bank
44$0Delta Bank
44$0Delta National Bank and Trust Company
44$0DeMotte State Bank
44$0Denali State Bank
44$0Denmark State Bank
44$0Desert Community Bank
44$0Destin Bank
44$0Devon Bank
44$0Diamond Bank
44$0Dillard National Bank
44$0Direct Merchants Credit Card Bank
44$0Discover Bank
44$0Doral Bank
44$0Douglas County Bank
44$0Douglas County Bank
44$0Downers Grove National Bank
44$0DNB First
44$0Draper Bank and Trust
44$0Dubuque Bank and Trust Company
44$0Martha's Vineyard Savings Bank
44$0Eagle Bank
44$0Eagle Bank and Trust Company of Missouri
44$0Eagle Bank, Inc.
44$0Eaglemark Savings Bank
44$0Earlham Savings Bank
44$0East Boston Savings Bank
44$0East Cambridge Savings Bank
44$0East Penn Bank
44$0East West Bank
44$0Eastern Bank
44$0Eastern Bank and Trust Company
44$0Eastern International Bank
44$0Eastern Michigan Bank
44$0Eastern National Bank
44$0Easthampton Savings Bank
44$0Eastwood Bank
44$0Eaton National Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Edmonton State Bank
44$0Midland States Bank
44$0Concord EFS National Bank
44$0Eisenhower National Bank
44$0Eldorado Bank
44$0EFS Bank
44$0Southern Bancorp Bank
44$0Elkhorn Valley Bank & Trust
44$0Ellenville National Bank
44$0Emigrant Bank
44$0Empire Bank
44$0ESB Financial
44$0Emprise Bank
44$0Enterprise Bank & Trust
44$0Enterprise Bank and Trust Company
44$0Enterprise Bank of South Carolina
44$0Enterprise National Bank
44$0Enterprise Bank of Florida
44$0Susquehanna Bank DV
44$0Essex Savings Bank
44$0Eureka Savings Bank
44$0European American Bank
44$0Evans Bank
44$0Everett Co-operative Bank
44$0EverTrust Bank
44$0Evergreen Bank
44$0Evergreen Bank
44$0EverTrust Bank
44$0Excel Bank Minnesota
44$0Modern Bank
44$0First Kentucky Bank, Inc.
44$0Exchange Bank
44$0Exchange Bank
44$0Extraco Banks
44$0F & M Bank - Northern Virginia
44$0F & M Bank-Peoples
44$0F & M Bank-Richmond
44$0F & M Bank-West Virginia, Inc.
44$0F & M Bank-Wisconsin
44$0Great Western Bank
44$0F&M Bank - Highlands
44$0F&M Bank - Maryland, Inc.
44$0F&M Bank- Atlantic
44$0F&M Bank-Iowa Central
44$0F&M Bank-Massanutten
44$0F&M Bank-Winchester
44$0Fairfield County Savings Bank
44$0Falcon International Bank
44$0Falmouth Co-operative Bank
44$0Far East National Bank
44$0Far West Bank
44$0Farmers & Mechanics Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank - Eastern Shore
44$0Susquehanna Bank
44$0Farmers & Merchants Bank of Central California
44$0Farmers & Merchants State Bank
44$0F&M Bank
44$0F&M Bank
44$0Farmers and Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers and Merchants Bank
44$0Farmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach
44$0F&M Bank
44$0Farmers and Merchants Bank of South Carolina
44$0Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Pierz
44$0Farmers and Merchants Trust Company of Chambersburg
44$0Farmers and Merchants Union Bank
44$0Farmers Bank
44$0Farmers Bank & Capital Trust Company
44$0Town & Country Bank and Trust Company
44$0Farmers Bank & Trust Company
44$0Hot Springs Bank & Trust Company
44$0Farmers Bank & Trust
44$0Farmers Bank and Trust Company
44$0Farmers Bank of Maryland
44$0Farmers Bank of Northern Missouri
44$0Farmers Deposit Bank
44$0Susquehanna Bank
44$0Farmers Savings Bank
44$0Farmers State Bank
44$0Farmers State Bank
44$0Farmers State Bank
44$0Farmers State Bank
44$0Farmers State Bank
44$0Farmers State Bank
44$0Farmers State Bank of Somonauk
44$0Farmers Trust and Savings Bank
44$0Farmers-Merchants Bank & Trust Company
44$0Farmington Bank
44$0FCN Bank
44$0FCNB Bank
44$0Feather River State Bank
44$0Fidelity Bank
44$0Fidelity Bank
44$0Fidelity Bank
44$0Fidelity Co-operative Bank
44$0Fidelity Management Trust Company
44$0Fidelity Bank
44$0Fidelity National Bank
44$0Fidelity Savings Bank
44$0Fiduciary Trust Company International
44$0Fifth Third Bank
44$0Fifth Third Bank, Florida
44$0Fifth Third Bank, Indiana
44$0Fifth Third Bank, Kentucky, Inc.
44$0Finance Factors, Ltd.
44$0Fireside Bank
44$0First & Ocean National Bank
44$0First & Peoples Bank and Trust Company
44$0First American Bank
44$0First American Bank
44$0First American Bank
44$0First American Bank
44$0First American Bank
44$0First Bank & Trust
44$0First American Bank and Trust
44$0First American Bank and Trust Company
44$0First American Bank of Pensacola
44$0Citibank Texas
44$0First American National Bank
44$0First American Bank of Pennsylvania
44$0First Arkansas Bank and Trust
44$0First Arkansas Valley Bank
44$0First Arvest Bank
44$0First Bank
44$0First Bank
44$0First Bank
44$0First Bank
44$0First Bank
44$0First Bank
44$0First Bank & Trust
44$0First Bank & Trust
44$0First Bank & Trust Co.
44$0First Bank & Trust East Texas
44$0First Bank & Trust, S.B.
44$0First Bank and Trust
44$0First Bank and Trust Company
44$0First Bank and Trust Company of Illinois
44$0First Bank Financial Centre
44$0First Bank Kansas
44$0First Bank of Berne
44$0First Bank
44$0First Bank of Conroe
44$0First Bank of Highland Park
44$0First Bank of Missouri
44$0First Bank of Oak Park
44$0First Bank of Ohio
44$0First Bank of Owasso
44$0First Bank of San Luis Obispo
44$0First Bank of Texas
44$0First Bank Richmond
44$0First Bank, CBC
44$0First Bankers Trust Company
44$0First Banking Center
44$0First Bulloch Bank & Trust Company
44$0First Business Bank
44$0First Capital Bank
44$0United Community Bank Tennessee
44$0First Central State Bank
44$0First Century Bank
44$0First Century Bank, Inc.
44$0First Charter Bank
44$0First Charter Bank
44$0First Citizens Bank
44$0First Citizens Bank
44$0First Citizens Bank of Billings
44$0First Citizens National Bank
44$0First Citizens National Bank
44$0First Citizens National Bank
44$0First Citizens State Bank
44$0First City Bank
44$0First City Bank of Florida
44$0United Community Bank Rabun County
44$0First Coastal Bank
44$0First Collinsville Bank
44$0First Colonial Bank
44$0First Colony Bank
44$0First Columbia Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Meridian Bank Texas
44$0First Commerce Bank
44$0First Commercial Bank
44$0First Commercial Bank of Huntsville
44$0First Commercial Bank (USA)
44$0First Commercial Bank
44$0Enterprise Banking
44$0First Commonwealth Bank
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Security Bank of Conway
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Community Bank and Trust
44$0First Community Bank of Bedford County
44$0First Community Bank of East Tennessee
44$0First Community Bank of Southwest Georgia
44$0First Community Bank of the Desert
44$0First Community Bank of Tifton
44$0Venture Bank
44$0First Community Bank, Missouri
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First Community Industrial Bank
44$0First Community National Bank
44$0First Consumers National Bank
44$0First Continental Bank
44$0First County Bank
44$0First County Bank
44$0First Crawford State Bank
44$0First Credit Bank
44$0First Dakota National Bank
44$0First Eagle Bank
44$0First Enterprise Bank
44$0First Farmers and Merchants National Bank
44$0First Farmers and Merchants Bank
44$0First Farmers Bank and Trust Company
44$0First Farmers State Bank
44$0First Fidelity Bank
44$0First Fidelity Bank
44$0First Fidelity Investment & Loan
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0First Guaranty Bank
44$0First Guaranty Bank and Trust Company of Jacksonville
44$0First Gulf Bank
44$0First Hawaiian Bank
44$0First Heritage Bank
44$0First Hope Bank, A National Banking Association
44$0First Illinois National Bank
44$0First Independence Bank
44$0First Independent Bank
44$0First International Bank
44$0First International Bank
44$0First International Bank & Trust
44$0First Interstate Bank
44$0First Interstate Bank
44$0First Liberty Bank & Trust
44$0First Mariner Bank
44$0First Massachusetts Bank
44$0First Merchants Bank
44$0First Metro Bank
44$0First Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff
44$0First Midwest Bank
44$0First Minnesota Bank
44$0First Minnetonka City Bank
44$0First Morris Bank and Trust
44$0First Mutual Bank
44$0First Nation Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0BankTrust of Brewton
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0Pinnacle Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First National Bank & Trust
44$0First National Bank & Trust Co. of Williston
44$0First National Bank & Trust Company of Columbus
44$0First National Bank & Trust Company of McAlester
44$0First National Bank and Trust
44$0First National Bank and Trust
44$0Landmark Bank
44$0Communityone Bank
44$0First National Bank and Trust Company
44$0First Bank of Wyoming
44$0First National Bank and Trust Company of Ardmore
44$0First National Bank & Trust Company
44$0First National Bank and Trust Company of Newtown
44$0Seacoast National Bank
44$0First National Bank
44$0First Bank & Trust
44$0Classic Bank
44$0First National Bank in DeRidder
44$0First National Bank in Graham
44$0First National Bank in Howell
44$0Frontier Bank
44$0Bank First National
44$0First National Bank in Mena
44$0First National Bank in Montevideo
44$0First National Bank in New Bremen
44$0First National Bank in Olney
44$0First National Bank in Port Lavaca
44$0First National Bank Northeast
44$0First National Bank Northwest Florida
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0First National Bank of Alvin
44$0First National Bank of America
44$0Great Lakes Bank
44$0First National Bank of Brookfield
44$0First National Bank of Central Alabama
44$0First National Bank of Central California
44$0First National Bank of Central Florida
44$0First National Bank of Central Texas
44$0First National Bank of Chaska
44$0First Cherokee State Bank
44$0First National Bank of Chester County
44$0First National Bank of Clarksdale
44$0First National Bank of Colorado
44$0First National Bank of Crestview
44$0First National Bank of Crossett
44$0First National Bank of Eastern Arkansas
44$0First National Bank of Elmhurst
44$0First National Bank of Florida
44$0First National Bank of Fort Myers
44$0First National Bank of Georgia
44$0First National Bank of Gillette
44$0First National Bank of Grady County
44$0First National Bank of Griffin
44$0First National Bank of Huntsville
44$0First National Bank of Illinois
44$0First National Bank of Jasper
44$0Harris Bank Joliet
44$0First National Bank of Kansas
44$0First National Bank of La Grange
44$0First National Bank of Lake Jackson
44$0Community Bank
44$0Credit One Bank
44$0Metcalf Bank
44$0First Montana Bank, Inc.
44$0First National Bank of Morton Grove
44$0First National Bank of Muscatine
44$0First National Bank of Florida
44$0First National Bank of Northern California
44$0First National Bank of Northwest Georgia
44$0First National Bank of Olney
44$0First National Bank of Omaha
44$0First National Bank of Onaga
44$0Centerstate Bank Central Florida
44$0First National Bank of Pennsylvania
44$0Southern Bancorp Bank
44$0First National Bank of Picayune
44$0First National Bank of Pulaski
44$0First National Bank of Scotia
44$0First National Banking Company
44$0First National Bank of Shelby County
44$0First National Bank of South Carolina
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0First National Bank of St. Louis
44$0First National Bank of Steeleville
44$0First National Bank of Tennessee
44$0First National Bank of the Rockies
44$0First National Bank of Waterloo
44$0First National Bank of Weatherford
44$0First National Bank of West Point
44$0First National Bank South Dakota
44$0First National Bank Texas
44$0First National Bank, Ames, Iowa
44$0First National Bank, Sallisaw
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0First National Bank, Valparaiso
44$0First National Bank-Employee Owned
44$01ST BANK
44$0First National Banker's Bank
44$0First National Community Bank
44$0First National Exchange Bank
44$0First Susquehanna Bank & Trust
44$0First Nebraska Bank
44$0First New Mexico Bank
44$0First Niagara Bank
44$0First North American National Bank
44$0First Northern Bank of Dixon
44$0First Northwest Bank
44$0First Parke State Bank
44$0Conestoga Bank
44$0First PREMIER Bank
44$0Pacific Western Bank
44$0Prosperity Bank
44$0First Pryority Bank
44$0First Regional Bank
44$0Republic Bank
44$0First Republic Bank
44$0First Savings Bank
44$0First Savings Bank of Hegewisch
44$0First Savings Bank of Perkasie
44$0First Savings Bank Northwest
44$0First Security Bank
44$0First Security Bank
44$0First Security Bank
44$0First Security Bank - Sleepy Eye
44$0First Security Bank and Trust Company
44$0First Security Bank of Missoula
44$0First Security Bank of Nevada
44$0First Security Bank of New Mexico
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Northwest
44$0First Security Business Bank
44$0First Security Trust and Savings Bank
44$0First Signature Bank and Trust Company
44$0First South Bank
44$0First South Bank
44$0First Southern Bank
44$0First Southern Bank
44$0First Southern National Bank
44$0Starion Financial
44$0First Southwest Bank
44$0First Star Bank
44$0First State Bank & Trust Company
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0Clayton Bank and Trust
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0Centennial Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Bank and Trust
44$0First State Bank and Trust Company
44$0First State Bank and Trust Company of Valdosta
44$0First State Bank and Trust Company, Inc.
44$0First State Bank Central Texas
44$0First State Bank and Trust
44$0First State Bank of Blakely
44$0First State Bank of Burnet
44$0First State Bank of Donalsonville
44$0First State Bank of East Detroit
44$0First State Bank of Middlebury
44$0First State Bank of Purdy
44$0First State Bank of St. Charles, Missouri
44$0First Community Bank
44$0First State Bank of Texas
44$0First State Bank of Uvalde
44$0First State Bank of Illinois
44$0First State Bank Shannon-Polo
44$0First State Community Bank
44$0First Suburban National Bank
44$0First Tennessee Bank
44$0First Texas Bank
44$0First Texas Bank
44$0First Texas Bank
44$0First Texas Bank
44$0Five Star Bank
44$0Fiserv Trust Company
44$0First Union Direct Bank
44$0Wachovia Bank of Delaware
44$0First United Bank
44$0First United Bank
44$0First United Bank
44$0First United Bank & Trust
44$0First United Bank and Trust Company
44$0First United National Bank
44$0First United Security Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0First Vantage Bank /Tri-Cities
44$0First Vantage Bank-Tennessee
44$0First Vermont Bank
44$0First Victoria National Bank
44$0First Virginia Bank
44$0First Virginia Bank - Blue Ridge
44$0First Virginia Bank - Colonial
44$0First Virginia Bank - Hampton Roads
44$0First Virginia Bank-Southwest
44$0First Volunteer Bank of Tennessee
44$0First Washington State Bank
44$0First Western Bank
44$0First Western Bank & Trust
44$0First Westroads Bank, Inc.
44$0First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company
44$0First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc.
44$0First-Citizens Bank, National Association
44$0First-Knox National Bank
44$0First-Lockhart National Bank
44$0Firstar Bank U.S.A.
44$0Firstar Bank
44$0U.S. Bank
44$0Firstbank - Alma
44$0Firstbank - Lakeview
44$0Firstbank - West Branch
44$0FirstBank North
44$0FirstBank Northwest
44$0FirstBank of Arapahoe County
44$0FirstBank of Arvada
44$0FirstBank of Aurora
44$0FirstBank of Avon
44$0FirstBank of Boulder
44$0FirstBank of Cherry Creek
44$0FirstBank of Denver
44$0FirstBank of Douglas County
44$0FirstBank of Lakewood
44$0FirstBank of Littleton
44$0FirstBank of Longmont
44$0Firstbank of Puerto Rico
44$0FirstBank of South Jeffco
44$0FirstBank of Tech Center
44$0FirstBank of Vail
44$0FirstBank of Wheat Ridge
44$0FirstBank Southwest
44$0FirstCapital Bank, ssb
44$0FirsTier Bank
44$0Firstmerit Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Firstrust Savings Bank
44$0FirstService Bank
44$0Five Points Bank
44$0FLAG Bank
44$0Flagship Bank and Trust Company
44$0Fleet Bank (RI)
44$0Fleet National Bank
44$0Florence Savings Bank
44$0Florida Bank
44$0Florida Community Bank
44$0FNB Bank
44$0FNB Southeast
44$0Foothill Independent Bank
44$0Fort Hood National Bank
44$0Fort Madison Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Founders Bank
44$0Founders National Bank
44$0Founders' Bank
44$0Four Oaks Bank & Trust Company
44$0Fowler State Bank
44$0Foxborough Savings Bank
44$0Framingham Co-operative Bank
44$0Frances Slocum Bank and Trust Company
44$0Franklin Bank & Trust Company
44$0First Place Bank
44$0Franklin Lamoille Bank
44$0Fifth Third Bank
44$0Franklin Savings Bank
44$0Franklin Savings Bank
44$0Fredericktown Bank & Trust Company
44$0Fremont Bank
44$0Fremont Investment & Loan
44$0Fremont National Bank of Canon City
44$0Frontier Bank
44$0Frontier National Bank
44$0Fulton Bank
44$0Fulton Savings Bank
44$0Gainesville Bank & Trust
44$0Galena State Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Gateway National Bank
44$0GE Capital Retail Bank
44$0GE Capital Financial Inc.
44$0Geauga Savings Bank
44$0General Bank
44$0George Washington Savings Bank
44$0Georgia Bank & Trust
44$0Georgia Bank & Trust Company of Augusta
44$0Georgia State Bank
44$0Germantown Trust & Savings Bank
44$0Appalachian Community Bank
44$0Gilmer National Bank, Gilmer, Texas
44$0Glacier Bank
44$0Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company
44$0Glenview State Bank
44$0Gloucester Bank & Trust Company
44$0Gold BANK
44$0Gold Bank
44$0Golden Gate Bank
44$0Community West Bank
44$0Gorham Savings Bank
44$0Gotham Bank of New York
44$0Grabill Bank
44$0Grafton State Bank
44$0Grand Bank
44$0Grand Bank
44$0The Bank of East Asia (USA)
44$0Grand Rapids State Bank
44$0Grange National Bank
44$0Granite Bank
44$0Grant County Bank
44$0Grayson National Bank
44$0Great Eastern Bank
44$0Greater Community Bank
44$0Great Midwest Bank, S.S.B.
44$0Great Plains National Bank
44$0Great Southern Bank
44$0Great Southern National Bank
44$0Great Western Bank
44$0Greatbank Chicago
44$0Greater Delaware Valley Savings Bank
44$0Green Belt Bank & Trust
44$0Green Tree Retail Services Bank
44$0Greenfield Banking Company
44$0Greenfield Co-operative Bank
44$0Greenfield Savings Bank
44$0GreenPoint Bank
44$0Greenville National Bank
44$0Greer State Bank
44$0Grinnell State Bank
44$0Grundy National Bank
44$0GSL Savings Bank
44$0Guaranty Bank
44$0Guaranty Bond Bank
44$0Guaranty Bank & Trust
44$0Coppermark Bank
44$0Guaranty Bank and Trust Company
44$0Guaranty Bank and Trust Company
44$0Guaranty Bank and Trust Company
44$0GBC International Bank
44$0Guaranty Bank
44$0Guaranty Bank
44$0GNB Financial
44$0Guaranty National Bank of Tallahassee
44$0Gulf Bank
44$0Gulf Coast Bank
44$0Gulf Coast Bank and Trust Company
44$0Gulf Coast National Bank
44$0Habersham Bank
44$0Habib American Bank
44$0Haddon Savings Bank
44$0Hagerstown Trust Company
44$0Hamlin Bank and Trust Company
44$0Hampden Bank
44$0Hancock Bank
44$0Whitney Bank
44$0Hanmi Bank
44$0Woori America Bank
44$0Hardin County Savings Bank
44$0Hardwick Bank & Trust Company
44$0Harford Bank
44$0Harleysville Savings Bank
44$0Harris Bank Argo
44$0Harris Bank Arlington-Meadows
44$0Harris Bank Barrington
44$0Harris Bank Bartlett
44$0Harris Bank Batavia
44$0Harris Bank Cary-Grove
44$0Harris Bank Elk Grove
44$0Harris Bank Frankfort
44$0BMO Harris Bank
44$0Harris Bank Hinsdale
44$0Harris Bank Hoffman-Schaumburg
44$0Harris Bank Libertyville
44$0Harris Bank Naperville
44$0Harris Bank Oakbrook Terrace
44$0Harris Bank Palatine
44$0Harris Bank West
44$0Harris Bank St. Charles
44$0Harris Bank Westchester
44$0Harris Bank Winnetka
44$0Harris Bank Woodstock
44$0Harris Trust and Savings Bank
44$0The Harris Bank
44$0Harris Trust/Bank of Montreal
44$0Hartford Savings Bank
44$0Haven Savings Bank
44$0Hawaii National Bank
44$0Hawkeye State Bank
44$0Heartland Bank
44$0Heartland Bank and Trust Company
44$0Hebron Deposit Bank
44$0Hebron Savings Bank
44$0Helena National Bank
44$0Hendricks County Bank and Trust Company
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Bank of Central Illinois
44$0Heritage Bank of Commerce
44$0Heritage Bank, Inc.
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0Heritage Co-operative Bank
44$0Heritage Community Bank
44$0Heritage National Bank
44$0Anchor Bank Heritage
44$0Heritage Oaks Bank
44$0Heritage Bank
44$0High Point Bank and Trust Company
44$0Highland Bank
44$0Highland Community Bank
44$0Highland Lakes Bank
44$0Highlands Union Bank
44$0Hillcrest Bank
44$0Hills Bank and Trust Company
44$0Hillsdale County National Bank
44$0Hilltop National Bank
44$0Hingham Institution for Savings
44$0St. Charles Bank & Trust Company
44$0Hinsdale Bank & Trust Company
44$0Hollidaysburg Trust Company
44$0Home National Bank
44$0Home Savings Bank
44$0Home Savings Bank of Albemarle, SSB
44$0Home Security Bank
44$0Home State Bank
44$0HomeStar Bank and Financial Services
44$0HomeStreet Bank
44$0HomeTown Bank
44$0Hoosac Bank
44$0Horicon Bank
44$0Horizon Bank
44$0Horizon Bank
44$0Horizon Capital Bank
44$0Horry County State Bank
44$0Houghton State Bank
44$0Household Bank (Nevada)
44$0HSBC Bank Nevada
44$0Hoyne Savings Bank
44$0HSBC Bank USA
44$0Hudson City Savings Bank
44$0Hudson River Bank & Trust Company
44$0Avidia Bank
44$0Hudson United Bank
44$0Hudson Valley Bank
44$0Humboldt Bank
44$0Huntington State Bank
44$0Citibank USA
44$0Huron Community Bank
44$0Hyde Park Bank and Trust Company
44$0Blue Hills Bank
44$0Iberville Bank
44$0Idaho Independent Bank
44$0Illini Bank
44$0Imperial Bank
44$0Imperial Capital Bank
44$0Independence Bank
44$0Independence Bank
44$0Independence Bank of Kentucky
44$0Independence Community Bank
44$0Independent Bank
44$0Independent Bank
44$0Independent Bank
44$0United Community Bank Metro
44$0Independent Bank - South Michigan
44$0Independent Bank East Michigan
44$0Independent Bank
44$0Independent Bank-West Michigan
44$0Independent Banker's Bank of Florida
44$0Independent Bankers' Bank
44$0Indian River National Bank
44$0Indiana First Savings Bank
44$0Indiana Lawrence Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Industrial Bank
44$0Industrial State Bank
44$0Industry State Bank
44$0Inland Northwest Bank
44$0INSOUTH Bank
44$0Institution for Savings in Newburyport and Its Vicinity
44$0Integra Bank
44$0Inter National Bank
44$0Interbank of New York
44$0Interchange Bank
44$0Intercredit Bank
44$0International Bank
44$0International Bank of California
44$0International Bank of Commerce
44$0International Bank of Commerce
44$0International Bank of Commerce
44$0Intervest Bank
44$0Intrust Bank
44$0Investors Bank & Trust Company
44$0Investors Bank
44$0Inwood National Bank
44$0Iowa - Nebraska State Bank
44$0Iowa Savings Bank
44$0Iowa State Bank
44$0Iowa State Bank
44$0MidWestOne Bank
44$0Iowa Trust and Savings Bank
44$0Ipswich Savings Bank
44$0Ireland Bank
44$0Iron and Glass Bank
44$0Irwin Bank
44$0Irwin Union Bank and Trust Company
44$0Isabella Bank
44$0Islanders Bank
44$0Itasca Bank & Trust Co.
44$0ISB Community Bank
44$0Jackson Bank & Trust
44$0Jackson County Bank
44$0Jackson County Bank
44$0Jacksonville Savings Bank
44$0Jacksonville Savings Bank, SSB
44$0James River Bank/Colonial
44$0Jasper Banking Company
44$0Jeff Davis Bank & Trust Company
44$0Jefferson Bank and Trust Company
44$0Jefferson Bank of Missouri
44$0Jefferson Security Bank
44$0Jefferson Bank
44$0Jersey Shore State Bank
44$0Jewett City Savings Bank
44$0Johnson Bank
44$0Johnson Bank Arizona
44$0Jonestown Bank and Trust Company, of Jonestown, Pennsylvania
44$0Old Second Bank-Kane County
44$0Kansas State Bank of Manhattan
44$0Katahdin Trust Company
44$0Kennebec Savings Bank
44$0Kennebunk Savings Bank
44$0Kennett National Bank
44$0Kentland Bank
44$0Kentucky Bank
44$0Kentucky Bank & Trust
44$0Kentucky Farmers Bank Corporation
44$0K Bank
44$0Key Bank USA
44$0Keystone Nazareth Bank & Trust Company
44$0Kislak National Bank
44$0Kitsap Bank
44$0Kleberg First National Bank of Kingsville
44$0Klein Bank
44$0Korea Exchange Bank
44$0Korea Exchange Bank
44$0KS Bank, Inc.
44$0Hometown National Bank
44$0Bank of New Hampshire
44$0Lafayette Ambassador Bank
44$0Lafayette Bank and Trust Company
44$0Lake City Bank
44$0Lake Elmo Bank
44$0Lake Forest Bank and Trust Company
44$0Lakeland Bank
44$0Harris Bank Round Lake
44$0Lakeside Bank
44$0Landmark Bank
44$0Landmark Bank
44$0Lapeer County Bank & Trust Co.
44$0LaSalle Bank
44$0Laurel Savings Bank
44$0LBA Savings Bank
44$0Lea County State Bank
44$0League City Bank & Trust
44$0Lebanon Valley Farmers Bank
44$0Ledger Bank, S.S.B.
44$0Ledyard National Bank
44$0Lee Bank
44$0Lee Bank and Trust Company
44$0Lee County Bank & Trust
44$0VIST Bank
44$0Legacy Bank
44$0LegacyTexas Bank
44$0Lenox Savings Bank
44$0NewBridge Bank
44$0Liberty Bank
44$0Liberty Bank
44$0Liberty Bank
44$0Liberty Bank
44$0Liberty Bank and Trust Company
44$0Liberty Bank for Savings
44$0Liberty National Bank
44$0Liberty State Bank
44$0Libertyville Bank & Trust Company
44$0Lincoln Community Bank
44$0Lincoln Park Savings Bank
44$0Lincoln Savings Bank
44$0Lincoln State Bank
44$0Lincoln Trust Company
44$0Lindell Bank & Trust Company
44$0Legends Bank
44$0Lisle Savings Bank
44$0Litchfield Bancorp
44$0Local Oklahoma Bank
44$0Logan Bank & Trust Company
44$0Lone Star Bank
44$0Lone Star National Bank
44$0New York Commercial Bank
44$0Texas Bank and Trust Company
44$0Los Alamos National Bank
44$0Los Angeles National Bank
44$0Los Robles Bank
44$0Lubbock National Bank
44$0Lumbee Guaranty Bank
44$0M C Bank & Trust Company
44$0M&I Bank
44$0M&I Bank Fox Valley
44$0M&I Bank Northeast
44$0M&I Bank of Burlington
44$0M&I Bank of Eagle River
44$0M&I Bank of La Crosse
44$0M&I Bank of Mayville
44$0M&I Bank of Menomonee Falls
44$0M&I Bank of Racine
44$0M&I Bank of Shawano
44$0M&I Bank of Southern Wisconsin
44$0M&I Bank South
44$0M&I Bank South Central
44$0M&I Central Bank & Trust
44$0M&I Central State Bank
44$0M&I Community State Bank
44$0M&I First American Bank
44$0M&I First National Bank
44$0M&I Lake Country Bank
44$0M&I Marshall and Ilsley Bank
44$0M&I Merchants Bank
44$0M&I Mid-State Bank
44$0M&I Northern Bank
44$0M&I Thunderbird Bank
44$0Wilmington Trust
44$0Macatawa Bank
44$0Machias Savings Bank
44$0Macon Bank and Trust Company
44$0Macon Bank, Inc.
44$0Macon-Atlanta State Bank
44$0Madison Bank
44$0Madisonville State Bank
44$0Magnolia State Bank
44$0Magyar Bank
44$0MidWestOne Bank
44$0Main Street Bank
44$0Main Street Bank
44$0Maine Bank & Trust Company
44$0Manasquan Savings Bank
44$0Mansfield Co-operative Bank
44$0Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
44$0Manufacturers Bank
44$0Manufacturers Bank
44$0Manufacturers Bank & Trust Company
44$0Manufacturers Bank of Florida
44$0Maquoketa State Bank
44$0Marathon National Bank
44$0Marathon National Bank of New York
44$0Marathon Savings Bank
44$0Marblehead Bank
44$0Marietta Savings Bank
44$0Marine Bank
44$0Marine Bank
44$0Marion County State Bank
44$0Maritime Savings Bank
44$0Marlborough Savings Bank
44$0Marquette Bank Clinton
44$0Farmers & Mechanics Bank
44$0Marquette Bank Monmouth
44$0Marquette Bank Morrison
44$0Marquette Bank
44$0Marquette Capital Bank
44$0Marquette Bank
44$0Marquette Savings Bank
44$0Forward Financial Bank SSB
44$0Maryland Bank and Trust Company
44$0Maryland Permanent Bank & Trust Company
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Mason State Bank
44$0Mauch Chunk Trust Company
44$0Mayflower Co-operative Bank
44$0FIA Card Services
44$0MBNA America Delaware
44$0MCNB Bank and Trust Co.
44$0McHenry Savings Bank
44$0Arvest Bank
44$0McIntosh State Bank
44$0Mechanics & Farmers Bank
44$0Mechanics' Savings Bank
44$0Medford Co-operative Bank
44$0Medford Savings Bank
44$0Mellon 1st Business Bank
44$0Mellon Bank Delaware
44$0Sabadell United Bank
44$0Meramec Valley Bank
44$0Mercantile Bank
44$0Mercantile Bank and Trust Company
44$0Mercantile Bank of Michigan
44$0Mercantile National Bank
44$0Mercantile National Bank of Indiana
44$0Mercantile Bank
44$0Mercer County State Bank
44$0Merchants & Farmers Bank & Trust Company
44$0Merchants & Marine Bank
44$0Merchants & Planters' Bank
44$0Merchants & Southern Bank
44$0Merchants and Farmers Bank
44$0Merchants Bank
44$0Merchants Bank of Alabama
44$0Merchants Bank
44$0Meredith Village Savings Bank
44$0Merrick Bank
44$0Merrill Lynch Bank and Trust Company
44$0Merrill Lynch Bank USA
44$0Merrill Merchants Bank
44$0Merrimack County Savings Bank
44$0Mesa National Bank
44$0Metairie Bank & Trust Company
44$0Metcalf Bank
44$0Metro Bank
44$0Metro Bank of Dade County
44$0Metro Commerce Bank
44$0Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
44$0Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
44$0Metropolitan National Bank
44$0Metropolitan National Bank
44$0Metropolitan National Bank
44$0MetroWest Bank
44$0Metter Banking Company
44$0Metuchen Savings Bank
44$0Michigan Heritage Bank
44$0LaSalle Bank Midwest National Association
44$0Sky Bank-Mid AM Region
44$0Mid City Bank, Inc.
44$0Mid Penn Bank
44$0Mid Town Bank & Trust Company of Chicago
44$0Mid Valley Bank
44$0Greater Bay Bank
44$0Mid-State Bank & Trust
44$0Mid-Wisconsin Bank
44$0MidAmerica National Bank
44$0Middlesex Savings Bank
44$0Middletown Valley Bank
44$0MidSouth Bank
44$0MidSouth Bank
44$0Midstates Bank
44$0Midwest Bank and Trust Company
44$0Midwest Bank
44$0midwest Bank of Hinsdale
44$0Midwest Bank of Mc Henry County
44$0Midwest Bank of Western Illinois
44$0Midwest BankCentre
44$0Mifflinburg Bank and Trust Company
44$0Millbury Savings Bank
44$0Millington Savings Bank
44$0Mills County State Bank
44$0Securant Bank & Trust
44$0Minden Exchange Bank & Trust Company
44$0TruPoint Bank
44$0Minnwest Bank, M.V.
44$0Minnwest Bank Central
44$0Minnwest Bank Luverne
44$0Minotola National Bank
44$0Minster Bank
44$0Missouri Bank and Trust Company of Kansas City
44$0Missouri State Bank and Trust Company
44$0Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corporation (U.S.A.)
44$0Mizuho Trust & Banking Co. USA
44$0Mohave State Bank
44$0Monogram Credit Card Bank of Georgia
44$0Monona State Bank
44$0Monroe Bank & Trust
44$0Monroe Bank
44$0Monson Savings Bank
44$0Montecito Bank & Trust
44$0Montgomery Bank
44$0Mooresville Savings Bank, SSB
44$0Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
44$0Morgan Stanley Bank
44$0Morton Community Bank
44$0Mound City Bank
44$0Mount Diablo National Bank
44$0Mount Prospect National Bank
44$0Mountain National Bank
44$0Mountain National Bank
44$0Mountain States Bank
44$0Mountain West Bank
44$0Mt. McKinley Bank
44$0Mt. Washington Co-operative Bank
44$0Municipal Trust and Savings Bank
44$0New Asia Bank
44$0Nantucket Bank
44$0Nara Bank
44$0Nashoba Bank
44$0National Bank
44$0National Bank
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Alaska
44$0National Bank of Arizona
44$0National Bank of Arkansas in North Little Rock
44$0National Bank of California
44$0National Bank of Commerce
44$0National Bank of Commerce
44$0Cadence Bank, N.A.
44$0National Bank of Commerce in Superior
44$0National Bank of Commerce of Birmingham
44$0National Bank of Montpelier
44$0National Bank of New York City
44$0National Bank of Petersburg
44$0National Bank of Tennessee
44$0National Bank of the Great Lakes
44$0National Bank of the Redwoods
44$0National City Bank
44$0National City Bank of Indiana
44$0National City Bank of Kentucky
44$0National City Bank of the Midwest
44$0National City Bank of Minneapolis
44$0National City Bank of Pennsylvania
44$0National City Bank of Southern Indiana
44$0National Exchange Bank and Trust
44$0National Penn Bank
44$0Naugatuck Savings Bank
44$0Nazareth National Bank and Trust Company
44$0NBC Bank - Rockdale
44$0NBC Bank
44$0NBT Bank
44$0Nekoosa Port Edwards State Bank
44$0Nevada State Bank
44$0New Era Bank
44$0New Mexico Bank & Trust
44$0New York National Bank
44$0Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank
44$0Newfield National Bank
44$0NewMil Bank
44$0Newton County Bank
44$0Newtown Savings Bank
44$0NorCrown Bank
44$0North Akron Savings Bank
44$0North Brookfield Savings Bank
44$0North Cascades National Bank
44$0North Community Bank
44$0North Dallas Bank & Trust Co.
44$0North Easton Savings Bank
44$0North Fork Bank
44$0North Houston Bank
44$0North Middlesex Savings Bank
44$0North Shore Bank of Commerce
44$0North Shore Bank, a Co-operative Bank
44$0North Shore Community Bank & Trust Company
44$0North Side State Bank of Rock Springs
44$0North Star Bank
44$0North State National Bank
44$0North Valley Bank
44$0Northeast Bank
44$0Northeast Georgia Bank
44$0Northern Bank & Trust Company
44$0Northern Michigan Bank & Trust
44$0Northern Neck State Bank
44$0Northern State Bank
44$0Northern State Bank of Thief River Falls
44$0Northern Trust Bank
44$0Northern Trust Bank of California
44$0Northern Trust
44$0Northern Trust Bank of Texas
44$0Northfield Bank
44$0Northfield Savings Bank
44$0Northmark Bank
44$0Northrim Bank
44$0NorthSide Bank
44$0Wheaton Bank & Trust
44$0Northwest Bank of Rockford
44$0Northwest Bank
44$0Northwest Community Bank
44$0Northwest Georgia Bank
44$0Northwest Savings Bank
44$0Northwestern Bank
44$0Northwestern Bank
44$0Norway Savings Bank
44$0Norwood Co-operative Bank
44$0NVE Bank
44$0O'Bannon Banking Company
44$0Oak Brook Bank
44$0Oak Hill Banks
44$0Oak Valley Community Bank
44$0Oceanic Bank
44$0Oconee State Bank
44$0Ohio Valley Financial Group
44$0Oklahoma Bank and Trust Company
44$0Old Forge Bank
44$0Fifth Third Bank
44$0Fifth Third Bank, Indiana
44$0Old National Bank
44$0Omaha State Bank
44$0Omega Bank
44$0Omni Bank
44$0New OMNI Bank
44$0One Bank & Trust
44$0Orange County Trust Company
44$0Orange Savings Bank, ssb
44$0Community Resource Bank
44$0Oriental Bank and Trust
44$0Oritani Bank
44$0Orrstown Bank
44$0Oswego County National Bank
44$0Owen County State Bank
44$0Oxford Bank
44$0Oxford Bank & Trust
44$0Ozark Bank
44$0Ozark Mountain Bank
44$0Ozaukee Bank
44$0Pacific Business Bank
44$0Pacific Century Bank
44$0Pacific Continental Bank
44$0Pacific Crest Bank
44$0Pacific Northwest Bank
44$0Pacific Union Bank
44$0Pacific Western National Bank
44$0Palm Beach National Bank & Trust Company
44$0Palm Desert National Bank
44$0Palmetto State Bank
44$0Palos Bank and Trust Company
44$0Panhandle State Bank
44$0Paradigm Bank Texas
44$0Parish National Bank
44$0Park Bank
44$0Park Meridian Bank
44$0Park National Bank and Trust of Chicago
44$0Park Ridge Community Bank
44$0Parkvale Savings Bank
44$0Parkway Bank and Trust Company
44$0Passumpsic Savings Bank
44$0PathFinder Bank
44$0Patrick Henry National Bank
44$0Patriot Bank
44$0Patriot Bank
44$0Patriot National Bank
44$0Peachtree National Bank
44$0Peak National Bank
44$0Peapack-Gladstone Bank
44$0Pearland State Bank
44$0Pendleton Community Bank, Inc.
44$0Peninsula Bank
44$0Peninsula Bank
44$0Peninsula Bank of Commerce
44$0Omega Bank
44$0Penn Security Bank and Trust Company
44$0Pennstar Bank
44$0Pennsylvania State Bank
44$0Pennview Savings Bank
44$0Pentucket Bank
44$0People's United Bank
44$0People's Savings Bank of Brockton
44$0People's State Bank of Wyalusing, Pennsylvania
44$0MainSource Bank
44$0Peoples and Union Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank & Trust
44$0Peoples Bank & Trust
44$0Peoples Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Peoples Bank & Trust Company of Hazard
44$0Peoples Bank and Trust Company
44$0First Security Bank of Mountain Home
44$0Heritage Community Bank
44$0Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Madison County
44$0Peoples Bank of Commerce
44$0United Community Bank North Georgia
44$0Peoples Bank of Kankakee County
44$0The Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Bank of Alabama
44$0Peoples Bank of Northern Kentucky, Inc.
44$0Peoples Bank of the Ozarks
44$0Peoples Bank SB
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples Community Bank
44$0Peoples Exchange Bank
44$0TD Bank
44$0Peoples Home Savings Bank
44$0Peoples National Bank
44$0Peoples Bank of Wisconsin
44$0Peoples National Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples National Bank
44$0Peoples Bank
44$0Peoples National Bank of Kewanee
44$0Peoples National Bank of Mora
44$0Peoples Neighborhood Bank
44$0Peoples Southern Bank
44$0Peoples State Bank
44$0Peoples State Bank
44$0Peoples State Bank
44$0Peoples State Bank of Hallettsville
44$0Peoples State Bank of Mansfield
44$0Peoples Trust & Savings Bank
44$0Peoples Trust Company
44$0Peoples Trust Company of St. Albans
44$0PeoplesBank, a Codorus Valley Company
44$0PFC Bank
44$0Phelps County Bank
44$0Phenix-Girard Bank
44$0Pike National Bank
44$0Pilgrim Bank
44$0Pilot Grove Savings Bank
44$0Pine Bluff National Bank
44$0Pinnacle Bank
44$0Pinnacle Bank
44$0Pinnacle Bank - Wyoming
44$0Pinnacle Bank
44$0Pioneer Bank & Trust
44$0Pioneer Bank and Trust
44$0Pioneer Bank and Trust Company
44$0Pioneer Savings Bank
44$0Pioneer Trust Bank
44$0Piscataqua Savings Bank
44$0Pittsburgh Savings Bank
44$0Placer Sierra Bank
44$0PlainsBank of Illinois
44$0Planters & Merchants State Bank
44$0Planters Bank & Trust Company
44$0Planters Bank & Trust Company of Virginia
44$0Platte Valley Bank
44$0Platte Valley State Bank & Trust Company
44$0Plaza Bank, Norridge, Illinois
44$0Plumas Bank
44$0Plymouth Savings Bank
44$0PlainsCapital Bank
44$0PNC Bank, Delaware
44$0PNC Bank
44$0Pointe Bank
44$0Mid-Missouri Bank
44$0Portage Commerce Bank
44$0Mainline National Bank
44$0Mercantile Potomac Bank
44$0Potters Bank
44$0Powell Valley National Bank
44$0Prairie Bank and Trust Company
44$0Prairie State Bank and Trust
44$0Preferred Bank
44$0Premier Bank
44$0Premier Bank
44$0Premier Bank
44$0Premier Community Bank of Florida
44$0Premier National Bank
44$0PremierWest Bank
44$0Prime Bank
44$0Progressive Bank
44$0Progressive Bank
44$0Promistar Bank
44$0Prosperity Bank
44$0Provident Bank of Maryland
44$0Providian Bank
44$0Providian National Bank
44$0Pulaski Bank and Trust Company
44$0Park National Bank
44$0Putnam County Bank
44$0Putnam County Savings Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Putnam Bank
44$0Valley Bank
44$0PyraMax Bank, FSB
44$0Quad City Bank and Trust Company
44$0Quail Creek Bank
44$0New York Community Bank
44$0R-G Premier Bank of Puerto Rico
44$0Rabun County Bank
44$0Ranchers Banks
44$0First National Bank
44$0Randolph Bank & Trust Company
44$0Randolph Savings Bank
44$0Ravalli County Bank
44$0Rayne State Bank & Trust Company
44$0RCB Bank
44$0Reading Co-operative Bank
44$0Redding Bank of Commerce
44$0Reeves Bank
44$0Regions Bank
44$0Reliance Savings Bank
44$0Republic Bank
44$0Republic Bank
44$0Republic Bank & Trust Company
44$0Republic Bank of Chicago
44$0Republic Bank & Trust
44$0Republic Bank, Inc.
44$0Republic Security Bank
44$0Resource Bank
44$0Resource Bank
44$0Target National Bank
44$0Rhinebeck Bank
44$0Richfield Bank & Trust Co.
44$0Richland County Bank
44$0Richmond County Savings Bank
44$0Fairfield County Bank
44$0Ridgewood Savings Bank
44$0Ridgewood Savings Bank of New Jersey
44$0Riggs Bank
44$0River Bank
44$0River City Bank
44$0River City Bank, Inc.
44$0River Valley Bank
44$0Riverside Bank
44$0Riverside National Bank of Florida
44$0Riverway Bank
44$0Robertson Banking Company
44$0Rock Hill Bank & Trust
44$0Rockland Trust Company
44$0Rockville Bank
44$0Rockwood Bank
44$0Rocky Mountain Bank
44$0Rondout Savings Bank
44$0Roselle Savings Bank
44$0Roxboro Savings Bank, SSB
44$0Royal American Bank
44$0Royal Bank
44$0Royal Bank America
44$0Royal Banks of Missouri
44$0Ruidoso State Bank
44$0Great Western Bank
44$0S & C Bank
44$0S&T Bank
44$0Sabine State Bank and Trust Company
44$0Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution
44$0Sacramento Commercial Bank
44$0Saehan Bank
44$0Saint Casimir's Savings Bank
44$0FNB Salem Bank and Trust
44$0Salem Five Cents Savings Bank
44$0Salin Bank and Trust Company
44$0Salisbury Bank and Trust Company
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0San Diego National Bank
44$0San Joaquin Bank
44$0San Jose National Bank
44$0Sand Ridge Bank
44$0Sandy Spring Bank
44$0Sanford Institution for Savings
44$0Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
44$0Santa Lucia Bank
44$0Saratoga National Bank and Trust
44$0Savers Co-operative Bank
44$0Savings Bank of Danbury
44$0Savings Bank of Mendocino County
44$0Savings Bank of Walpole
44$0Savings Institute Bank and Trust Company
44$0Sawyer Savings Bank
44$0Schuyler Savings Bank
44$0Scott Valley Bank
44$0Sea Island Bank
44$0Seamen's Bank
44$0Sears National Bank
44$0Seaway Bank and Trust Company
44$0StellarOne Bank
44$0Second National Bank
44$0Security Bank
44$0Security Bank
44$0Security Bank & Trust Company
44$0Security Bank and Trust Company
44$0Security Bank
44$0Community Bank, North Mississippi
44$0Security Bank of Bibb County
44$0Security Bank of Kansas City
44$0Security Bank, s.b.
44$0Security First Bank
44$0Landmark National Bank
44$0Security National Bank
44$0Security Financial Bank
44$0Security National Bank of Omaha
44$0Security Savings Bank
44$0Security Savings Bank, SSB
44$0Security State Bank
44$0Security State Bank
44$0Security State Bank
44$0Security State Bank & Trust
44$0Bank Forward
44$0Sycamore Bank
44$0Sequoia Bank
44$0Sevier County Bank
44$0Sewickley Savings Bank
44$0Sharon Savings Bank
44$0Shelby County State Bank
44$0Commonwealth Bank and Trust Company
44$0Shelby Savings Bank, SSB
44$0Shore Bank
44$0Chemical Bank Shoreline
44$0Shoshone First Bank
44$0Shrewsbury State Bank
44$0Associated Bank Minnesota
44$0Signal Bank South
44$0Signature Bank
44$0Silicon Valley Bank
44$0Silver State Bank
44$0Simmons First Bank of Searcy
44$0Simmons First Bank of Eldorado
44$0Simmons First Bank of Northeast Arkansas
44$0Simmons First Bank of Northwest Arkansas
44$0Simmons First Bank of Russellville
44$0Simmons First National Bank
44$0Siuslaw Bank
44$0Six Rivers Bank
44$0Skagit State Bank
44$0Skowhegan Savings Bank
44$0Sky Bank
44$0Skylands Community Bank
44$0Slade's Ferry Trust Company
44$0Centra Bank-Smithfield
44$0Solvay Bank
44$0Somerset Trust Company
44$0Somerset Valley Bank
44$0Sonoma National Bank
44$0Sonoma Valley Bank
44$0Adams Community Bank
44$0South Bay Bank
44$0South Branch Valley National Bank of Moorefield
44$0South Central Bank
44$0South Central Bank, Inc.
44$0South Central Bank of Bowling Green, Inc.
44$0South Coast Commercial Bank
44$0South Georgia Banking Company
44$0South Holland Trust & Savings Bank
44$0South Louisiana Bank, Houma, Louisiana
44$0South Ottumwa Savings Bank
44$0South Shore Savings Bank
44$0South Side National Bank in St. Louis
44$0South Side Trust & Savings Bank of Peoria
44$0South Texas National Bank of Laredo
44$0South Valley Bank & Trust
44$0Southbridge Savings Bank
44$0Southeast National Bank
44$0Southeastern Bank
44$0Southern Bank and Trust Company
44$0BankTrust of Alabama
44$0Southern Commercial Bank
44$0Southern Community Bank and Trust
44$0Southern Exchange Bank
44$0Southern Financial Bank
44$0Southern Heritage Bank
44$0Southern Michigan Bank & Trust
44$0Southern Bank
44$0Southern National Bank of Texas
44$0Southern Pacific Bank
44$0Sun American Bank
44$0Southington Savings Bank
44$0Southland Bank b/b/a Ameris
44$0Southside Bank
44$0SouthTrust Bank
44$0Southwest Bank
44$0Southwest Bank
44$0Southwest Bank, An M&I Bank
44$0Amegy Bank
44$0Southwest Georgia Bank
44$0Southwest Missouri Bank
44$0Southwestern Bank
44$0Soy Capital Bank and Trust Company
44$0Spencer Savings Bank
44$0Spring Valley City Bank
44$0Springdale Bank & Trust
44$0Springfield State Bank
44$0Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company
44$0St. Johns Bank and Trust Company
44$0St. Joseph Capital Bank
44$0St. Landry Bank and Trust Company
44$0St. Martin Bank and Trust Company
44$0St. Michaels Bank
44$0Stafford Savings Bank
44$0Standard Bank and Trust Company
44$0Standard Bank, PaSB
44$0STAR Financial Bank
44$0State Bank
44$0State Bank
44$0State Bank & Trust
44$0State Bank & Trust Company
44$0Frandsen Bank & Trust
44$0American Bank of Texas - Seguin
44$0State Bank of Caledonia
44$0State Bank of Countryside
44$0State Bank of Cross Plains
44$0State Bank of De Kalb
44$0State Bank & Trust
44$0State Bank of Illinois
44$0State Bank of India
44$0State Bank Financial
44$0State Bank of Lincoln
44$0State Bank of Lizton
44$0State Bank of Long Island
44$0State Bank of Southern Utah
44$0State Bank of the Lakes
44$0State Bank of Toulon
44$0State Bank & Trust Company
44$0State Central Bank
44$0State Financial Bank
44$0State National Bank of Texas
44$0State National Bank of West Texas
44$0State National Bank
44$0State National Bank
44$0Jefferson Federal Bank
44$0Stearns Bank
44$0Stephenville Bank and Trust Co.
44$0Sterling Bank
44$0Sterling Bank
44$0Sterling Bank
44$0Sterling National Bank
44$0Sterling State Bank
44$0Steuben Trust Company
44$0Stillman BancCorp N.A.
44$0Stock Yards Bank & Trust Company
44$0Stockman Bank of Montana
44$0Stockmans Bank
44$0StonehamBank, A Co-operative Bank
44$0Stoneham Savings Bank
44$0Strata Bank
44$0Sturdy Savings Bank
44$0Sturgis Bank & Trust Company
44$0Unison Bank
44$0Suburban Bank & Trust Company
44$0Suburban Bank of Barrington
44$0Success National Bank
44$0Sugar River Bank
44$0Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (U.S.A.) Limited
44$0Summit Bank
44$0Summit Bank
44$0Summit Bank
44$0Summit Bank
44$0Summit Community Bank
44$0Summit Bank
44$0Summit National Bank
44$0Summit State Bank
44$0Sumter Bank and Trust Company
44$0Sun National Bank
44$0Sun National Bank, Delaware
44$0Sun Security Bank of America
44$0SunAmerica Trust Company
44$0Sunflower Bank
44$0SunTrust Bank
44$0SunTrust BankCard
44$0Sunwest Bank
44$0Superior National Bank & Trust Company
44$0Superior Savings of New England
44$0West Side Bank and Trust
44$0Sutton Bank
44$0Swineford National Bank
44$0Tallahassee State Bank
44$0Tamalpais Bank
44$0TCF National Bank
44$0TD Bank USA
44$0Tehama Bank
44$0Tennessee State Bank
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0Terre Haute Savings Bank
44$0Texas Bank
44$0Texas Capital Bank
44$0Texas First Bank
44$0Texas First Bank
44$0Golden Bank
44$0Texas Guaranty Bank
44$0Texas Gulf Bank
44$0Texas State Bank
44$0Texas State Bank
44$0The Adirondack Trust Company
44$0American Heritage Bank
44$0The American National Bank of Beaver Dam
44$0The American National Bank
44$0American Midwest Bank
44$0The American National Bank of Texas
44$0The Andover Bank
44$0The Anna -Jonesboro National Bank
44$0The Annapolis Banking and Trust Company
44$0AVB Bank
44$0Superior Bank
44$0The Bank and Trust of Puerto Rico
44$0The Bank and Trust, S.S.B.
44$0The Bank of Advance
44$0The PrivateBank
44$0The Bank of Castile
44$0The Bank of Cherry Creek
44$0The Bank of Clarendon
44$0The Bank of Commerce
44$0The Bank of Delmarva
44$0The Bank of Denver
44$0The Bank of East Asia Ltd.
44$0The Bank of Edwardsville
44$0The Bank of Elk River
44$0The Bank of Fayetteville
44$0The Bank of Fincastle
44$0The Bank of Forest
44$0The Bank of Glen Burnie
44$0Fulton Bank of New Jersey
44$0The Bank of Greene County
44$0The Bank of Hemet
44$0The Bank of Herrin
44$0The Bank of Holly Springs
44$0The Bank of Kentucky, Inc.
44$0The Bank of La Fayette, Georgia
44$0The Bank of Landisburg
44$0Southwest Capital Bank
44$0The Bank of Marion
44$0The Bank of Marion
44$0The Bank of Missouri
44$0The Bank of Mt. Vernon
44$0The Bank of Nashville
44$0The Bank of New York Mellon
44$0BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware
44$0The Bank of Romney
44$0First Bank & Trust
44$0The Bank of Sharon
44$0The Bank of South Carolina
44$0The Bank of Southside Virginia
44$0The Bank of Tampa
44$0The Bank of Tescott
44$0The Bank of Tidewater
44$0The Bank of Toccoa
44$0The Bank of Tuscaloosa
44$0The Bank of Versailles
44$0The Bank of Western Massachusetts
44$0The Bank of Whitesburg
44$0The Bank of Yellville
44$0The Bank
44$0The Bank/First Citizens Bank
44$0Silverton Bank
44$0The Baraboo National Bank
44$0The Belvidere National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Bennington State Bank
44$0Northway Bank
44$0The Beverly National Bank
44$0The Boone County National Bank of Columbia
44$0OneUnited Bank
44$0The Bradford National Bank of Greenville
44$0The Braintree Co-operative Bank
44$0The Brand Banking Company
44$0The Brenham National Bank
44$0The Bridgehampton National Bank
44$0The Bright National Bank
44$0The Broadway National Bank of Chelsea
44$0Brotherhood Bank & Trust
44$0The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
44$0The Buffalo National Bank
44$0The Callaway Bank
44$0The Camden National Bank
44$0The Campbell & Fetter Bank
44$0The Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Bank of Canton
44$0The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
44$0CNB Bank and Trust, N.A.
44$0The Carlsbad National Bank
44$0Heritage Banking Group
44$0The Casey County Bank, Inc.
44$0The Cecilian Bank
44$0The Centennial Bank
44$0The Central National Bank of Poteau
44$0The Central Trust Bank
44$0Chelsea Groton Bank
44$0Mercantile Eastern Shore Bank
44$0The Chinese American Bank
44$0The Citizens Bank
44$0The Citizens Bank
44$0The Citizens Bank
44$0The Citizens Bank
44$0The Citizens Bank of Americus
44$0The Citizens Bank of Clovis
44$0The Citizens Bank of East Tennessee
44$0The Citizens Bank of Edmond
44$0The Citizens Bank of Fayette
44$0The Citizens Bank of Logan, Ohio
44$0Citizens Bank of Florida
44$0The Citizens Bank of Philadelphia, Mississippi
44$0The Citizens Bank of Weston
44$0The Citizens Bank of Winfield
44$0The Citizens Banking Company
44$0The Citizens First National Bank of Storm Lake
44$0The Citizens National Bank
44$0The Citizens National Bank
44$0The Citizens National Bank
44$0The Citizens National Bank
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Athens
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Bluffton
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Chillicothe
44$0Nextier Bank
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Malone
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Meridian
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Norwalk
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Paris
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Park Rapids
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Russellville
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Somerset
44$0The Citizens National Bank of Urbana
44$0The Citizens Savings Bank
44$0The Citizens State Bank
44$0The Citizens State Bank
44$0Maxim Bank
44$0The City National Bank and Trust Company of Lawton, Oklahoma
44$0The City National Bank of Metropolis
44$0The City National Bank of Sulphur Springs
44$0The City National Bank of Taylor
44$0First Team Bank
44$0The Cleveland State Bank
44$0The Clinton National Bank
44$0The Coastal Bank of Georgia
44$0The Columbia Bank
44$0The Columbian Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Comanche National Bank
44$0The Commerce Bank of Washington
44$0The Commercial and Savings Bank of Millersburg, Ohio
44$0The Commercial Bank
44$0The Commercial Bank of Grayson
44$0The Commercial Savings Bank
44$0The Community Bank
44$0The Community Bank of New Jersey
44$0The Community Bank, A Massachusetts Cooperative Bank
44$0The Community State Bank
44$0The Converse County Bank
44$0The Conway National Bank
44$0The Cooperative Bank
44$0The Cortland Savings and Banking Company
44$0The Cowlitz Bank
44$0The Croghan Colonial Bank
44$0The Dart Bank
44$0The Delaware County Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Delaware National Bank of Delhi
44$0The Denison State Bank
44$0The Dime Bank
44$0Dime Bank
44$0The Drovers & Mechanics Bank
44$0The East Carolina Bank
44$0The East Texas National Bank of Palestine
44$0The Edgar County Bank and Trust Co., Paris, Illinois
44$0The Elgin State Bank
44$0The Ephrata National Bank
44$0The Equitable Bank, S.S.B.
44$0The Evangeline Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Exchange Bank of Alabama
44$0Exchange National Bank & Trust Co.
44$0The Exchange National Bank of Jefferson City
44$0The F&M Bank & Trust Company
44$0The Factory Point National Bank of Manchester Center
44$0The Fahey Banking Company
44$0The Fairfield National Bank
44$0The Farmers & Merchants Bank
44$0The Farmers & Merchants State Bank
44$0The Farmers and Merchants Bank
44$0The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Nashville
44$0The Farmers Bank
44$0The Farmers Bank and Trust Company of Georgetown, Kentucky
44$0The Farmers Bank of Appomattox
44$0The Farmers Bank of Willards
44$0The Farmers Bank, Frankfort, Indiana
44$0The Farmers National Bank of Buhl
44$0The Farmers National Bank of Canfield
44$0The Farmers National Bank of Danville
44$0The Farmers National Bank of Emlenton
44$0The Farmers National Bank of Opelika
44$0The Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown
44$0The Farmers National Bank of Scottsville
44$0The Farmers Savings Bank
44$0The Farmers State Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Farmers State Bank at Fort Morgan, Colorado
44$0First Citizens Bank
44$0The Farmers State Bank of Waupaca
44$0The Fauquier Bank
44$0The Fidelity Bank
44$0The Fidelity Deposit and Discount Bank
44$0The Fidelity State Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Fifth Third Bank of Northern Kentucky, Inc.
44$0The First Bank and Trust Company
44$0The First Bank of Brunswick
44$0The First Bremen Bank
44$0The First Capital Bank of Kentucky
44$0The First Citizens National Bank of Upper Sandusky
44$0First Citizens State Bank
44$0The First Commercial Bank
44$0The First Commonwealth Bank of Prestonsburg, Inc.
44$0The First Liberty National Bank
44$0First American Bank
44$0The First National Bank
44$0Regent Bank
44$0Queensborough National Bank & Trust Company
44$0The First National Bank & Trust Company of Beatrice
44$0The First National Bank & Trust Company of Rochelle
44$0First Bank & Trust
44$0The First National Bank and Trust Co., Chickasha, Oklahoma
44$0The First National Bank and Trust Company Athens, Tennessee
44$0Vision Bank
44$0The First National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The First National Bank and Trust Company of Broken Arrow
44$0The First National Bank and Trust Company of Okmulgee
44$0The First National Bank and Trust Company of Vinita
44$0The First National Bank in Altus
44$0The First National Bank in Amboy
44$0Southern Bancorp Bank of Blytheville
44$0The First National Bank in Carlyle
44$0The First National Bank in Creston
44$0First Texoma National Bank
44$0Fleetwood Bank
44$0The First National Bank in Green Forest
44$0The First National Bank in Sioux Falls
44$0The First National Bank in Staunton
44$0The First National Bank in Trinidad
44$0The First National Bank of Absecon
44$0The First National Bank of Alachua
44$0The First National Bank of Albany
44$0First National Bank South
44$0First National Bank
44$0The First National Bank of Amarillo
44$0First National Bank Alaska
44$0Arcola First Bank
44$0The First National Bank of Athens
44$0The First National Bank of Atlanta
44$0The First National Bank of Audrain County
44$0The First National Bank of Bangor
44$0The First National Bank of Bar Harbor
44$0The First National Bank of Bastrop
44$0The First National Bank of Bemidji
44$0First National Bank of North Arkansas
44$0First Keystone Community Bank
44$0First Bank Blue Earth
44$0Legend Bank, N.A.
44$0The First National Bank of Bryan
44$0The First National Bank of Carmi
44$0The First National Bank of Centerville
44$0The First, N.A.
44$0The First National Bank of Danville
44$0First National Bank
44$0The First National Bank of Decatur
44$0The First National Bank of Deerwood
44$0The First National Bank of Dennison
44$0The First National Bank of Durango
44$0NewFirst National Bank
44$0The First National Bank & Trust
44$0The First National Bank of Elk River
44$0The First National Bank of Elmer
44$0The First National Bank of Florida
44$0The First National Bank of Fort Smith
44$0The First National Bank of Fredericksburg
44$0The First National Bank of Fremont
44$0The First National Bank of Gilmer
44$0The First National Bank of Granbury
44$0The First National Bank of Grayson
44$0The First National Bank of Greencastle
44$0The First National Bank of Hartford
44$0The First National Bank of Herminie
44$0The First National Bank of Holdrege
44$01st National Bank of South Florida
44$0The First National Bank of Hope
44$0The First National Bank of Hudson
44$0The First National Bank of Hughes Springs
44$0The First National Bank of Hutchinson
44$0The First National Bank of Ipswich
44$0The First National Bank & Trust Company of Iron Mountain
44$0The First National Bank of Jasper
44$0The First National Bank of Jeffersonville
44$0The First National Bank of La Follette
44$0The First National Bank of Lamesa
44$0The First National Bank of Layton
44$0The First National Bank of Liberal
44$0The First National Bank of Lincolnwood
44$0The First National Bank of Litchfield
44$0The First National Bank of Livingston
44$0The First National Bank of Long Island
44$0First Main Street Bank
44$0The First National Bank of Manchester
44$0The First National Bank of Marengo
44$0FNB Bank, Inc.
44$0The First National Bank of McConnellsburg
44$0The First National Bank of McHenry
44$0The First National Bank of McMinnville
44$0The First National Bank of Mertzon
44$0The First National Bank of Mifflintown
44$0The First National Bank of Monterey
44$0The First National Bank of Mount Dora
44$0The First National Bank of Northern New York
44$0The First National Bank of Olathe
44$0The First National Bank of Oneida
44$0The First National Bank of Ottawa
44$0The First National Bank of Oxford
44$0First Northern Bank and Trust Company
44$0The First National Bank of Polk County
44$0The First National Bank of Pontotoc
44$0The First National Bank of Portland
44$0The First National Bank of River Falls
44$0FNB Bank, Inc.
44$0First National Bank Minnesota
44$0The First National Bank of Santa Fe
44$0The First National Bank of Shelby
44$0The First National Bank of Shelby
44$0The First National Bank of Slippery Rock
44$0The First National Bank of South Miami
44$0The First National Bank of Springdale
44$0The First National Bank of St. Ignace
44$0The First National Bank of St. Mary's at Leonardtown
44$0The First National Bank of Strasburg
44$0The First National Bank of Suffield
44$0The First National Bank of Talladega
44$0The First National Bank of Texas
44$0Orion Bank
44$0FNB Financial
44$0Texas Star Bank
44$0The First National Bank of Waconia
44$0The First National Bank of Walker
44$0The First National Bank of Waseca
44$0First National Bank
44$0The First National Bank of Waverly
44$0The First National Bank of Winnsboro
44$0The First National Bank of Wynne
44$0The First National Bank of Wyoming
44$0The First National Bank of Zanesville
44$0FNB Bank
44$0The First State Bank
44$0The First State Bank
44$0The First State Bank
44$0The First State Bank
44$0The First State Bank of Arcadia
44$0First State Bank
44$0First State Financial, Inc.
44$0The First Western Bank Sturgis
44$0The Forest Hill State Bank
44$0The Fort Sill National Bank
44$0The Foster Bank
44$0The Fountain Trust Company
44$0The Fremont National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Frost National Bank
44$0Mizuho Corporate Bank (USA)
44$0The Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Genoa Banking Company
44$0German American Bancorp
44$0The Girard National Bank
44$0The Glen Rock State Bank
44$0The Grant County Bank
44$0GNB Bank
44$0The Guilford Savings Bank
44$0HNB National Bank
44$0The Harbor Bank of Maryland
44$0The Hardin County Bank
44$0The Harleysville National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Harvard State Bank
44$0The Hastings City Bank
44$0The Havana National Bank
44$0Republic Federal Bank
44$0The Henry County Bank
44$0Herget Bank
44$0The Heritage Bank
44$0The Heritage Bank
44$0The Heritage Bank of St. Joseph
44$0Partners Trust Municipal Bank
44$0Herring Bank
44$0The Hocking Valley Bank
44$0The Home State Bank
44$0The Home Trust & Savings Bank
44$0The Honesdale National Bank
44$0Honor Bank
44$0The Howard Bank
44$0The Huntington National Bank
44$0The Industrial Bank of Japan Trust Company
44$0Firstbank - West Michigan
44$0The Jackson State Bank
44$0The Jones National Bank and Trust Company of Seward
44$0The Juniata Valley Bank
44$0Kaw Valley Bank
44$0The Killbuck Savings Bank Company
44$0The Kishacoquillas Valley National Bank of Belleville
44$0The La Porte Savings Bank
44$0The Lamar Bank
44$0The Lamesa National Bank
44$0The Laredo National Bank
44$0Lawrenceburg Bank and Trust Company
44$0LCNB National Bank
44$0The Liberty National Bank in Paris
44$0The Lorain National Bank
44$0The Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank
44$0The Luzerne Bank
44$0The Lyons National Bank
44$0The Madison Bank
44$0The Madison Bank and Trust Company
44$0First Merchants Bank of Central Indiana
44$0The Mahopac National Bank
44$0The Malvern National Bank
44$0The Marathon Bank
44$0The Maries County Bank
44$0Marion Center Bank
44$0The Mars National Bank
44$0The Martin County National Bank of Fairmont
44$0McClain Bank
44$0McCook National Bank
44$0Mechanics Bank
44$0Mechanics Bank
44$0The Mercantile Bank of Louisiana, Missouri
44$0Merchants Bank
44$0The Merchants Bank of New York
44$0The Merchants National Bank
44$0Merchants Bank of Bangor
44$0Farmers and Merchants Bank of Western Pennsylvania
44$0Miami Valley Bank
44$0MB Financial Bank
44$0The Middleburg Bank
44$0The Middlefield Banking Company
44$0The Midway National Bank of St. Paul
44$0The Milford Bank
44$0The Milford National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Minnequa Bank of Pueblo
44$0The Mission Bank
44$0The Monroe County Bank
44$0The Monticello Banking Company
44$0The Moody National Bank
44$0Morris Bank
44$0The Muncy Bank and Trust Company
44$0The National Bank & Trust Company of Sycamore
44$0The National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The National Bank of Blacksburg
44$0The National Bank of Cambridge
44$0The National Bank of Coxsackie
44$0The National Bank of Delaware County
44$0The National Bank of Fredericksburg
44$0National Bank of Geneva
44$0The National Bank of Indianapolis
44$0The National Bank of Middlebury
44$0The National Bank of South Carolina
44$0The National Bank of Sussex County
44$0The National Bank of Walton County
44$0The National Capital Bank of Washington
44$0The National Grand Bank of Marblehead
44$0The National Republic Bank of Chicago
44$0The Needham Bank
44$0The Neffs National Bank
44$0NewAlliance Bank
44$0New Tripoli Bank
44$0The New Washington State Bank
44$0The Newton Trust Company
44$0The Nodaway Valley Bank
44$0The North American Bank & Trust Company
44$0The North Country Savings Bank
44$0The North Side Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Northern Trust Company
44$0The Oakley National Bank of Buffalo
44$0Ocean Bank
44$0Sky Bank
44$0The Ohio Valley Bank Company
44$0The Old Fort Banking Company
44$0The Old Point National Bank of Phoebus
44$0Old Second National Bank
44$0The Oneida Savings Bank
44$0The Ozona National Bank
44$0The Paducah Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Palmetto Bank
44$0The Park Avenue Bank
44$0The Park Avenue Bank
44$0The Park Bank
44$0The Park National Bank
44$0The Patapsco Bank
44$0The Pavilion State Bank
44$0The Pemigewasset National Bank of Plymouth
44$0The Pennsville National Bank
44$0The Pennsylvania Capital Bank
44$0Peoples Bank of Kentucky, Inc.
44$0The People's Bank of Oxford
44$0The Peoples Bank
44$0The Peoples Bank
44$0The Peoples Bank
44$0The Peoples Bank
44$0The Peoples Bank & Trust Company
44$0Renasant Bank
44$0The Peoples Bank Co.
44$0The Peoples Bank of Bullitt County
44$0The Peoples Bank of Elkton
44$0First Peoples Bank, Inc.
44$0The Peoples Bank, Biloxi, Mississippi
44$0The Peoples National Bank
44$0Peoples Bank of the South
44$0Peoples National Bank , N.A.
44$0The Peoples State Bank
44$0The Peoples State Bank
44$0The Peoples State Bank
44$0The Peoples State Bank of Newton, Illinois
44$0The Perkins State Bank
44$0The Pittsfield Co-operative Bank
44$0The Poca Valley Bank, Inc.
44$0Freestar Bank
44$0The Port Washington State Bank
44$0The PrivateBank and Trust Company
44$0The Provident Bank
44$0The Provident Bank
44$0The Provident Bank
44$0The Prudential Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Pueblo Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Putnam County National Bank of Carmel
44$0QNB Bank
44$0The Queenstown Bank of Maryland
44$0The Quincy State Bank
44$0Ramsey National Bank
44$0The Rawlins National Bank
44$0The Reedsburg Bank
44$0The Richland Trust Company
44$0The Richwood Banking Company
44$0The Riddell National Bank
44$0The Rock Springs National Bank
44$0The Rome Savings Bank
44$0The Roslyn Savings Bank
44$0The Savannah Bank
44$0The Savings Bank
44$0The Savings Bank
44$0The Savings Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Savings Bank of Manchester
44$0Partners Trust Bank
44$0The Scottdale Bank & Trust Company
44$0The Second National Bank of Masontown
44$0The Second National Bank of Warren
44$0The Security National Bank and Trust Co.
44$0The Security National Bank of Enid
44$0The Security National Bank of Sioux City, Iowa
44$0The Shelby County State Bank
44$0The Shelby State Bank
44$0The Somerville Bank & Trust Company
44$0Southwest National Bank
44$0The Sparks State Bank
44$0The St. Henry Bank
44$0The State Bank
44$0The State Bank and Trust Company
44$0The State Bank of Faribault
44$0The State Bank of Jerseyville
44$0The State National Bank of Big Spring
44$0The State National Bank of Frankfort
44$0The Stephenson National Bank and Trust
44$0The Stillwater National Bank and Trust Company
44$0The Stock Exchange Bank
44$0The Stockmen's Bank
44$0The Suffolk County National Bank of Riverhead
44$0The Summit National Bank
44$0The Talbot Bank of Easton, Maryland
44$0The Third National Bank of Sedalia
44$0The Torrington Savings Bank
44$0The Troy Savings Bank
44$0The Trust Company of New Jersey
44$0The Union Bank Company
44$0The Union Bank of Benton
44$0The Union Bank of Mena
44$0The Union County National Bank of Liberty
44$0The Union National Bank and Trust Company of Barbourville
44$0Unizan Bank
44$0The Upstate National Bank
44$0The Vine Street Trust Company
44$0The Vinton County National Bank of McArthur
44$0The Waggoner National Bank of Vernon
44$0The Warwick Savings Bank
44$0The Washington Trust Company of Westerly
44$0The Wayne County National Bank of Wooster
44$0The Western State Bank
44$0The Westwood Homestead Savings Bank
44$0The Wilmington Savings Bank
44$0The Wilton Bank
44$0Woodstown National Bank
44$0The Yardville National Bank
44$0The Yellowstone Bank
44$0Old Second Bank-Yorkville
44$0The Yukon National Bank
44$0Thomaston Savings Bank
44$0Thomasville National Bank
44$0Three Rivers Bank and Trust Company
44$0Thumb National Bank and Trust Company
44$0TIB Bank
44$0TIB The Independent Bankersbank
44$0Timberland Bank
44$0Tioga State Bank
44$0Tokai Bank of California
44$0Tolland Bank
44$0Tompkins Trust Company
44$0Town & Country Bank
44$0Town And Country Bank
44$0Town North Bank, N. A.
44$0Towne Bank
44$0Towne Bank
44$0Traders & Farmers Bank
44$0Traders Bank
44$0Traditional Bank, Inc.
44$0Trans-Pacific National Bank
44$0TransAtlantic Bank
44$0Countrywide Bank, FSB
44$0Tri City National Bank
44$0Tri Counties Bank
44$0Tri-County Bank
44$0Tri-County Bank & Trust Company
44$0Tri-State Bank of Memphis
44$0Troy Bank & Trust Company
44$0Truman Bank
44$0Trust Company of America
44$0Trust One Bank
44$0Trustco Bank
44$0Trustmark National Bank
44$0Tulsa National Bank
44$0Tuscola National Bank
44$0Twin Lakes National Bank
44$0Ameriserv Financial Bank
44$0U.S. Bank
44$0U.S. Bank National Association MT
44$0U.S. Bank National Association ND
44$0U.S. Trust Company
44$0U.S. Trust Company of New Jersey
44$0U.S. Trust Company of Texas
44$0U.S. Trust Company
44$0Ulster Savings Bank
44$0UMB Bank Colorado
44$0UMB Bank
44$0UMB National Bank of America
44$0UMB U.S.A.
44$0Umpqua Bank
44$0UniBank for Savings
44$0UNICO Bank
44$0Union Bank
44$0Union Bank
44$0Union Bank & Trust
44$0Union Bank & Trust Company
44$0Union Bank and Trust Company
44$0Union Bank and Trust Company
44$0Union Bank and Trust Company
44$0Union Bank and Trust Company
44$0Union Bank and Trust Company of Indiana
44$0Union Bank
44$0Union Bank of Florida
44$0Union Bank of Illinois
44$0Union Bank/West
44$0Union Center National Bank
44$0Union Colony Bank
44$0Union County Savings Bank
44$0Univest Bank and Trust Co.
44$0Union National Community Bank
44$0Union Planters Bank of the Lakeway Area
44$0Union Safe Deposit Bank
44$0Union Savings Bank
44$0Union Savings Bank
44$0Union State Bank
44$0Union State Bank
44$0Union State Bank
44$0Union Trust Company
44$0Centrue Bank
44$0United Bank
44$0United Bank
44$0United Bank
44$0United Bank
44$0United Bank & Trust
44$0United Bank & Trust Company
44$0United Bank and Trust Company
44$0United Bank of Iowa
44$0United Bank of Michigan
44$0United Bank of Philadelphia
44$0United Bank of Union
44$0United Bank
44$0United Bankers' Bank
44$0United Central Bank
44$0United Bank
44$0United Commercial Bank
44$0United Community Bank
44$0United Community Bank
44$0United Community Bank
44$0United Community Bank
44$0United Credit National Bank
44$0Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, Ltd.
44$0United Trust Bank
44$0United Bank
44$0United National Bank
44$0United Nebraska Bank
44$0United Pacific Bank
44$0United Prairie Bank
44$0United Savings Bank
44$0United Security Bank
44$0United Security Bank
44$0United Southern Bank
44$0United States Trust Company
44$0UnitedKingfield Bank
44$0Unity Bank
44$0Universal Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Uptown National Bank of Chicago
44$0USAA Savings Bank
44$0Ascencia Bank
44$0Valencia Bank & Trust
44$0Valley Bank
44$0Valley Bank
44$0Valley Bank & Trust
44$0Valley Bank and Trust Co.
44$0Valley Bank of Kalispell
44$0Valley National Bank
44$0Valley National Bank
44$0Valley Ridge Bank
44$0Valley Savings Bank
44$0Valley State Bank
44$0Valley View State Bank
44$0ValueBank Texas
44$0Vanguard Bank & Trust Company
44$0NOVA Bank
44$0Vectra Bank Colorado
44$0Vermillion State Bank
44$0Viking Bank
44$0Villa Park Trust & Savings Bank
44$0Vineyard Bank
44$0Vintage Bank
44$0Virginia Bank and Trust Company
44$0Virginia Commerce Bank
44$0Virginia Community Bank
44$0Virginia Heartland Bank
44$0Visalia Community Bank
44$0Vista Bank
44$0Volunteer State Bank
44$0Voyager Bank
44$0Wachovia Bank
44$0Wainwright Bank & Trust Company
44$0Wakulla Bank
44$0Walden Savings Bank
44$0Wallis State Bank
44$0Walpole Co-operative Bank
44$0Walworth State Bank
44$0Warren Bank and Trust Company
44$0Warren Five Cents Savings Bank
44$0Washington County Bank
44$0Washington First International Bank
44$0Washington Mutual Bank
44$0Washington Savings Bank
44$0Washington Savings Bank
44$0Washington State Bank
44$0Washington Trust Bank
44$0Watertown Savings Bank
44$0Watertown Savings Bank
44$0Wauchula State Bank
44$0Waukegan Savings Bank
44$0Waukesha State Bank
44$0WaterStone Bank, SSB
44$0Wayne Bank
44$0Wayne County Bank
44$0First Financial Bank
44$0Webster Five Cents Savings Bank
44$0Wellington State Bank
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Arizona
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Grand Junction
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Grand Junction-Downtown
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Illinois
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Indiana
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Iowa
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Michigan
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Montana
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Nevada
44$0Wells Fargo Bank New Mexico
44$0Wells Fargo Bank North Dakota
44$0Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Texas
44$0Wells Fargo Bank West
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Wisconsin
44$0Wells Fargo Bank Wyoming
44$0Wells Fargo Bank, Ltd.
44$0Wells Fargo Bank
44$0Wells Fargo Financial Bank
44$0Wells Fargo Financial National Bank
44$0Wells Fargo HSBC Trade Bank
44$0Wesbanco Bank, Inc.
44$0West Alabama Bank & Trust
44$0Westbury Bank
44$0West Coast Bank
44$0West Coast Guaranty Bank
44$0West Bank
44$0West End Bank, S.B.
44$0First National Bank of Georgia
44$0West Kentucky Bank
44$0West Milton State Bank
44$0West Plains Bank and Trust Company
44$0West Pointe Bank
44$0West Pointe Bank and Trust Company
44$0West Shore Bank
44$0West Suburban Bank
44$0West Texas National Bank
44$0West Texas State Bank
44$0West Texas State Bank
44$0West Union Bank
44$0West View Savings Bank
44$0Westamerica Bank
44$0Westborough Savings Bank
44$0Western Bank
44$0Western Bank & Trust
44$0Western Commerce Bank
44$0Western National Bank
44$0ANB Bank
44$0Western Security Bank
44$0Western Sierra National Bank
44$0Western Springs National Bank and Trust
44$0Western State Bank
44$0Westernbank Puerto Rico
44$0Westfield Bank
44$0Westminster Union Bank
44$0WestStar Bank
44$0WestStar Bank
44$0Wheeling National Bank
44$0Whidbey Island Bank
44$0Whitaker Bank
44$0United Community Bank White County
44$0Wilber National Bank
44$0Northwestern National Bank
44$0Will Rogers Bank
44$0WNB Bank
44$0Williamstown Savings Bank
44$0Bank Name Not Available
44$0Wilmington Trust of Pennsylvania
44$0Wilshire State Bank
44$0Wilson & Muir Bank & Trust Company
44$0Wilson Bank and Trust
44$0Winchester Co-operative Bank
44$0Winchester Savings Bank
44$0Winona National Bank
44$0Wisconsin Community Bank
44$0Wood & Huston Bank
44$0Woodforest National Bank
44$0Woodlands Bank
44$0Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank
44$0World Financial Network Bank
44$0Woronoco Savings Bank
44$0Wright Express Financial Services Corporation
44$0Wyoming County Bank
44$0Yadkin Valley Bank and Trust Company
44$0York State Bank
44$0Yosemite Bank
44$0Zions First National Bank